Scientists in China Genetically Engineer Mice with Two Male Parents | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald
In a groundbreaking study, Chinese scientists have successfully engineered mice with two male parents, challenging long-held beliefs about reproduction. Read on to learn about the implications and outcomes of this remarkable experiment.
Replace women in sports, replace women as mothers. I see where this is going.
This is a level of gayness our ancestors would have never thought possible.
Why. Altering animals like this can never end well. It needs to be banned worldwide
Think of what they’re NOT telling us. There’s some evil shit going on in the world.
These people are sickening. What's the point of this?? It was probably funded with US taxpayer dollars too. Mad scientists need to be prosecuted for this type of evil, cause you know they won't stop with just experimenting on rats.
This could mean several things. They made either retarded Mice. Multi-limbed Genetic Abominations that were technically Mice.
I call bullshit. Someone somewhere is either actively doing it or making plans to do it. Even if this guy isn’t personally aware of such work
To paraphrase Jurassic Park. They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could. They never stopped to think about whether or not they Should.
Clearly there is an agenda to eliminate women from earth.
To repopulate mice after the coming female mice shortage, duh.
All this means is that you can Genetically Engineer probably anything.
Nature says there is only MALE and FEMALE!
Where this is headed is... terrifying.
Coincidentally, the two male mice were named "Pete" and "Chasten".