Fmr. Air Traffic Controller: DC Crash Was 100% Controller's Fault
A knowledgeable former air traffic controller named Michael Pearson told Greg Kelly on his show last night that the D.C. crash that killed 67 people was 100% the fault of air traffic control because he gave incorrect instructions. The segment began with Mr...
Good analysis.
But the helicopter pilot does not seem to be blameless either??
"But the helicopter pilot does not seem to be blameless either??"
...mucho bad juju floating about that night...
In the immortal words of Buffalo Springfield, nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.
Probably every key person in this scenario had a chance to prevent this tragedy. Air traffic control should have caught the two aircraft were on a collision course.
The airline pilots have radar, it seems like they should have also caught the fact the helicopter was too close.
I’m sure the Blackhawk had radar too. Plus a helicopter is highly maneuverable. You would think a trained military pilot would have been capable of executing evasive maneuvers. Or, would have been prepared to sacrifice his own life to avoid hitting a commercial aircraft.
It’s so sad all the way around.
"In the immortal words of Buffalo Springfield, nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong."
"Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life, it will creep
It starts when you're always afraid
You step out of line
The man come and take you away"
...more true now than ever...
An underrated and overlooked lyric.
As usual, Trump had it right.
"As usual, Trump had it right" much winning...
disagree. nonsensical heli turns were ai controlled. warrant officer had visibility on plane and knew they were in plane's altitude
"disagree. nonsensical heli turns were ai controlled. warrant officer had visibility on plane and knew they were in plane's altitude"
"Blame it Cain...
...don't blame it on me."
"oh oh oh it's nobody's fault...
...we just need someone to burn"
Read the comments. Sounds like some pilots and former ATC chiming in.
Comment section: “According to her husband, she was texting him right before! Good grief WTH????” Apparently she was the “lookout” but was texting.
"Good grief WTH????”"
...concise, yet highly accurate response to the facts as presented...