The word is that DEW tech has advanced. The beams and rays are not always visible, depending on weapon type and conditions. Pics make detection look to easy.
The deep state is unleashing a bunch of plans to thwart Trumps push to clean them out. So, if DEW was involved in burning down Cali, then why haven't the deep state used it against the White House or Mar-a-lago while Trump is in residence there? That would be their greatest wet dream. Could the white hats be in control of DEW so they can manipulate situations that fits into Trump's plans for correcting years of malfeasance? That would mean that the white hats are responsible for the deaths of a few individuals, though. Is that the price for nationwide freedom? Or did the MSM actually report that people died in the fires. Will we ever know the truth behind the DEW? I doubt it, but I do think the white hats are in control of it because it is rolled into Space Force.
The DEW weapons I've seen are mounted on ships and large jets, not out in space. The airspace over Mar-a-Lago and the White House is restricted. If they tried to fly a large plane in those spaces fighters would be up their exhaust before the could spit.
That's what they want you to think. That plane was a prototype.
I don't think they would abandon such a promising tech just because the prototype was huge.
You have to proof of concept, then ship to Japan to miniaturize, then take it back and put it in a cool looking housing, and give it to a bunch of dudes in cammo with tats that are part of the FAFO club. AKA, US Spec Ops.
killerspacerobot, I'm not versed in DEW, but I've thought for the longest time that a DEW was and has been operated on a satellite in space. Is that true? Is it possible to have a "killer satellite" out in space and whenver we want to reach out and touch someone we just redirect the satellite to cross over a designated point on the Earth? Certainly America has the best brainiacs who can come up with this type of weapon system and then we have the tech heads and mechanics to build it and put it into space. Do we have that capability? Surely it is not beyond our abilities to accomplish. And if we have it, would it be feasable for a deep state player(s) within the Space Force to make the satellite do nefarious things against this country?
What kind of wattage is needed to fire a DEW? Would it have to be hooked up to a 220v power source or would a battery operate it? Could a DEW ever be small enough to be shoulder fired by a soldier in the field? If yes, could it be light enough to have a battery operate it, something lighter than a car battery? I'm thinking of having a weapon system where a soldier can haul it around the battle field like a bazooka and maybe another soldier carry the power source. Is that scenario feasable or is it just a wacky idea?
I really appreciate your time teaching me some of the fundamentals of a DEW system. It makes sense on what you've stated. Yea, I'd need a battery the size of Grayhound bus, or bigger. Not a good way to go traipsing around the bush with a DEW. And having a satellite tossing down a beam would be a non starter due to the amount of energy required to operate the system. One more thing, if you don't mind.....When the DEW is fired can it be a wide beam or is it always a pinpoint stike point?
Pfft. Obviously a refraction in the atmosphere that causes a cloud structure to form and... flashy things you
How many replies before spacetard toddles in?
The word is that DEW tech has advanced. The beams and rays are not always visible, depending on weapon type and conditions. Pics make detection look to easy.
I used photoshop to put them in.
The deep state is unleashing a bunch of plans to thwart Trumps push to clean them out. So, if DEW was involved in burning down Cali, then why haven't the deep state used it against the White House or Mar-a-lago while Trump is in residence there? That would be their greatest wet dream. Could the white hats be in control of DEW so they can manipulate situations that fits into Trump's plans for correcting years of malfeasance? That would mean that the white hats are responsible for the deaths of a few individuals, though. Is that the price for nationwide freedom? Or did the MSM actually report that people died in the fires. Will we ever know the truth behind the DEW? I doubt it, but I do think the white hats are in control of it because it is rolled into Space Force.
The DEW weapons I've seen are mounted on ships and large jets, not out in space. The airspace over Mar-a-Lago and the White House is restricted. If they tried to fly a large plane in those spaces fighters would be up their exhaust before the could spit.
That's what they want you to think. That plane was a prototype.
I don't think they would abandon such a promising tech just because the prototype was huge.
You have to proof of concept, then ship to Japan to miniaturize, then take it back and put it in a cool looking housing, and give it to a bunch of dudes in cammo with tats that are part of the FAFO club. AKA, US Spec Ops.
Awe, too bad.
Glad to hear we have someone in the know on this one. Thank you for sharing.
killerspacerobot, I'm not versed in DEW, but I've thought for the longest time that a DEW was and has been operated on a satellite in space. Is that true? Is it possible to have a "killer satellite" out in space and whenver we want to reach out and touch someone we just redirect the satellite to cross over a designated point on the Earth? Certainly America has the best brainiacs who can come up with this type of weapon system and then we have the tech heads and mechanics to build it and put it into space. Do we have that capability? Surely it is not beyond our abilities to accomplish. And if we have it, would it be feasable for a deep state player(s) within the Space Force to make the satellite do nefarious things against this country?
What kind of wattage is needed to fire a DEW? Would it have to be hooked up to a 220v power source or would a battery operate it? Could a DEW ever be small enough to be shoulder fired by a soldier in the field? If yes, could it be light enough to have a battery operate it, something lighter than a car battery? I'm thinking of having a weapon system where a soldier can haul it around the battle field like a bazooka and maybe another soldier carry the power source. Is that scenario feasable or is it just a wacky idea?
I really appreciate your time teaching me some of the fundamentals of a DEW system. It makes sense on what you've stated. Yea, I'd need a battery the size of Grayhound bus, or bigger. Not a good way to go traipsing around the bush with a DEW. And having a satellite tossing down a beam would be a non starter due to the amount of energy required to operate the system. One more thing, if you don't mind.....When the DEW is fired can it be a wide beam or is it always a pinpoint stike point?