After I saw the second name, I just decided to not try to intuit what was correct. It seems to me that the "story" they are telling wasn't solid and so different names from different sources.
That was the most logical explanation I have read. In the course of this investigation, I hope someone would answer the question about why they would schedule a training flight for inexperienced pilots at one of the busiest and tricky airports in the world.
I read somewhere they were practicing evacuation routes for high level VIP's. So training flight yes. Not sure of pilots experience, but seems for something like this they should be highly experienced or highly competent pilots.
We're in a Lifeflight path and those Sikorsky's are loud, can hear them coming from miles away like you're Radar O'Reilly! If they're low enough they'll rattle the house. The Airbus ones are marginally quieter.
about 1-2 times a month one flies directly over my home. Probably less than 1000 feet altitude. Central valley California, outside of Modesto eastward toward the foothills. Got a good video of it two days ago.
Might make sense when you consider the CoG nature of the training and flight path. WH Aide would be in close proximity to POTUS, know the campus and could easily assist in an EVAC situation. Having another team member that can pilot a helo in the WH is certainly a bonus, even if it isn't "plan A" or even "plan C"... having options is what it is all about. That rationale might help explain why this seemingly odd pairing of roles might have been encouraged/allowed.
The Blackhawk helicopter was definitely at fault in this accident. The jet was on course and at the correct altitude (400-500 ft) when struck by the helicopter. The helicopter which was supposed to be below 200 ft was definitely higher than expected to be. On the communications, only the male voice was heard from the helicopter, so he was probably in command. Why the helicopter rose over 200 ft to strike the jet is the question that needs to be answered. Unfortunately, the only ones who knew are dead.
If she was supposed to be the pilot on a training mission and being evaluated, then she should have been the one making the communications with the tower, not her instructor!
That's not suspicious at all...
Did you see reports that it left from a strange location - something something cia
Langley correct ?
I did.
I've seen 3 different names touted as pilot. Whatever
The U. S. Army FB page made a post about her, I’d say it’s pretty solid.
After I saw the second name, I just decided to not try to intuit what was correct. It seems to me that the "story" they are telling wasn't solid and so different names from different sources.
If they cant hide the truth then they confuse the truth.
strange cohencidence
I am seeing many reports of this.
That was the most logical explanation I have read. In the course of this investigation, I hope someone would answer the question about why they would schedule a training flight for inexperienced pilots at one of the busiest and tricky airports in the world.
I read somewhere they were practicing evacuation routes for high level VIP's. So training flight yes. Not sure of pilots experience, but seems for something like this they should be highly experienced or highly competent pilots.
Huh, so I wonder what the COG aspect of this was/is.
Not only DEI policy must be stopped but also DEI hires and promotions must be reviewed and potentially reverted. Everyone who got DEI points.
Thing that bothers me?
The mistake that happened? Does not happen in my family.
Tell us
Not sure that was a "BlackHawk". It was a Sikorsky which is part of a fleet of helicopters used for executive transport around DC
We're in a Lifeflight path and those Sikorsky's are loud, can hear them coming from miles away like you're Radar O'Reilly! If they're low enough they'll rattle the house. The Airbus ones are marginally quieter.
about 1-2 times a month one flies directly over my home. Probably less than 1000 feet altitude. Central valley California, outside of Modesto eastward toward the foothills. Got a good video of it two days ago.
Are we not sur shebwas the other pilot? "Alleged pilot"?
How many hours has she flown in this type? Recency of experience? How many total flight hours? Someone FOIA her FAA airman records.
All the official reports are saying she had 500 hours flight experience and the other pilot had 1000 or more.
If that’s the case, the erratic flight path is even more concerning.
So she took one for the team.
Might make sense when you consider the CoG nature of the training and flight path. WH Aide would be in close proximity to POTUS, know the campus and could easily assist in an EVAC situation. Having another team member that can pilot a helo in the WH is certainly a bonus, even if it isn't "plan A" or even "plan C"... having options is what it is all about. That rationale might help explain why this seemingly odd pairing of roles might have been encouraged/allowed.
So was this person a transgender like I read if DEI going down triggered the attack?
The Blackhawk helicopter was definitely at fault in this accident. The jet was on course and at the correct altitude (400-500 ft) when struck by the helicopter. The helicopter which was supposed to be below 200 ft was definitely higher than expected to be. On the communications, only the male voice was heard from the helicopter, so he was probably in command. Why the helicopter rose over 200 ft to strike the jet is the question that needs to be answered. Unfortunately, the only ones who knew are dead.
If she was supposed to be the pilot on a training mission and being evaluated, then she should have been the one making the communications with the tower, not her instructor!
Did they wait until now to give us a name so they can scrub all of her social media?