NOTAMS are NOT "the system air traffic controllers use to communicate with planes".
NOTAMS are "Notice to Airmen", and contain information about weather patterns, unusual bird traffic, airport closures and other information.
You pick them up when you arrive at your FBO and review the ones applicable to your filed flight plan. You can also review applicable NOTAMS when you file your flight plan.
For military - think message traffic.
If the NOTAM system went down, that means they just need to print them out instead of review them online. Not a big deal (yet!)
Having originated NOTAMS, (years ago) we would advise when ground Navigational AIDS were down. Some examples are Localizer down, Glide Slope down, TACAN down etc. These notices let pilots know that a system was not operational. If a system was down, the pilot would rely on other methods for landing. All systems were designed to be fail safe, in other words, if the signals sent out were out of tolerance, the primary system would switch to the backup system. If the backup failed to meet parameters, the entire system would shut down thusly keeping flight operations safe at all times.
NOTAMS are NOT "the system air traffic controllers use to communicate with planes".
NOTAMS are "Notice to Airmen", and contain information about weather patterns, unusual bird traffic, airport closures and other information.
You pick them up when you arrive at your FBO and review the ones applicable to your filed flight plan. You can also review applicable NOTAMS when you file your flight plan.
For military - think message traffic.
If the NOTAM system went down, that means they just need to print them out instead of review them online. Not a big deal (yet!)
Thank you, I truly didn't know what NOTAMS were.
No worries fren!
Sabotage or a WH plan to ground flights in a timely manner to stop escapes or prevent more crashes.
Yup, something is going on that is very sus. I hope it's to trap the criminals
Notice to airmen.
It could be printed on paper if need be.
The woke crowd changed it from "NOtice TO AirMen" to NOtice TO Air Missions
has went? how about "has gone" using the correct past participle. Go, going, gone.
Having originated NOTAMS, (years ago) we would advise when ground Navigational AIDS were down. Some examples are Localizer down, Glide Slope down, TACAN down etc. These notices let pilots know that a system was not operational. If a system was down, the pilot would rely on other methods for landing. All systems were designed to be fail safe, in other words, if the signals sent out were out of tolerance, the primary system would switch to the backup system. If the backup failed to meet parameters, the entire system would shut down thusly keeping flight operations safe at all times.