I thank Q and the team for this change of tone, going through the clown show that was Fauci flu to this is just a breath of fresh air.. could you imagine living in that forever?
Actually, BOBO, we are stepping down from being the world’s policeman and deep pocket! As Senator Kennedy said: “ya’ll been getting money from us for years and hate us. Now you can hate us for free!”
I thank Q and the team for this change of tone, going through the clown show that was Fauci flu to this is just a breath of fresh air.. could you imagine living in that forever?
Its hard to tell whether reddit is full of 4-6% people or bots. I am guessing both.
Don’t forget PR firms. And Trolls. There’s a shitload of those.
Though I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if there are just Canadians or people in general for that matter who are that damn delusional.
Retards. It's full of biological and virtual retards.
They were going to give their life regardless. This lets them noble or something.
Fuck em.
Bunch of slaves
Good luck, pedo revolurionary LARPER. It'd take half the world to even threaten us a little.
Bunch of fake and ghay whiners. We'll see about that. Trudeau is a good example of reality.
Actually, BOBO, we are stepping down from being the world’s policeman and deep pocket! As Senator Kennedy said: “ya’ll been getting money from us for years and hate us. Now you can hate us for free!”