My eldest son lives in DC. He just got his dream job at the State Dept working on projects in the Mekong region, he has apart always had a passion for SE Asia. He married a beautiful highly educated Thai woman while teaching overseas. I could not attend their wedding because I refused to take the jab my son pleaded with me to do so but I wouldn't capitulate. Since the pandemic my son has accused me of wearing a tin foil hat as I silently watch everything that I ever said to him come true. He was furloughed rom his job at the state department 3 weeks ago he's not allowed to collect any sort of unemployment and he loses his medical insurance during this time. My heart goes out to him, He doesn't see all the corruption because he's in the midst of it. Asking for prayers for my son, Kevin and his wife.
Prayers for Kevin and his wife. Many unintended consequences will play out. This "process" has put a wedge in many families; mine too. I pray God heals our families.
I'm really glad you didn't cave in and take the jab. This I think is the real test for mankind. If they love the world more than God they'd take the jab. Your conviction needs to be strong so as not to be blown around by the wind.
He pleaded with me to take the J&J, he had tears in his eyes. I could not travel to Thailand for his wedding 😔
I told him that I would give him a kidney but I would not take the jab for anyone. I do not regret my decision but it was a heart breaking one to make
I get your pain. I pleaded with our oldest son in 2021 (when he was still in the Army) not to take the J&J shot, to the point of tears myself. He felt he had no choice BUT to take it as an officer; I told him he ALWAYS has a choice. I cried about it a few times after that as well...but at this point, he's an adult, and I couldn't and can't tell him what to do. All I can do is pray he'll be okay over time. Worst part of all? He just GOT OUT of the Army. UGGHHHH.
Not only a test but it also imho, used for the population reduction. Igg3-Igg4. Same battles with friends and family. I have stopped trying to convince anyone a long while back. Poeple have made their choices and now that the facts continue to come out in the purebloods favor, they have no choice but to either own up to it, or bury their head in the sand. I have buried too many friends and family. I am still dealing within close friends who now have rare cancers or other issues that started right after the injection cycles.
I just found out my 40 yr old cousin got stage 1 Lung cancer, found out after he was hospitalized for chronic Pneumonia after traveling to Japan in December where chronic Pneumonia was running rampant..I didn't know pneumonia is contagious. He was jabbed, not boosted, to obtain the proof of vacc to travel for work. He agreed vacc is no good and decided to do it anyway thinking he was young and took a chance. 4 years later he's in this state, it's really sad. I'm telling him to take ivermectin, HCQ, and Fenben..hopefully it'll just go away next time he does a check up. They say for some the side effects appear 4-5 years later.
Thank You and right back at you. It's devastating to see the results. There is a reason why the vaxxed always end up getting covid everytime it comes thru. Their immune systems are imprinted and since their bodies continue to produce the spikes, the weakened immunity can stand up to things it resisted prior, let alone stuff in the vax like sv40. Cancer, neuro and heart issues are thru the roof, so are excess deaths. It just blows my mine that some on that side still try to deny it. I stopped evangelizing it a few years ago. Folks made up their minds. I plant seed along the way and if they come and ask, I am happy to help them along.
You are correct on IVM HCQ and Fenben. I am trying to get my buddy who has blood cancer to try Fenben, sent him all the info, but, he's being treated by a large cancer group and is doing OK, so time will tell. Agree on the 5 year. They also put out a lot of saline shots and different levels of vax ( if people did the boosters, it would continue to build in their system and the plausible deniability to the vax.
I pray for them, I do, but this was wrong from the get go, the level of push, the coercion, propaganda and world wide push. Then add the "killing fields" of the local hospitals, I will never look at humanity the same, never.
My son is an expert on SE Asia. He worked so hard to get his dream job. When he was an undergrad he declared that one day he would work in the state department on humanitarian infrastructure projects in SE Asia. He finally made his dream come true only to have it crushed. Of course he blames Trump, he still in denial regarding the level of corruption in the swamp.
My heart goes out to him. I know a bunch of good hard working idealistic young people in his position and I agree for the most part they want to do well and have worked hard but just can't even begin to imagine the corruption. These hard working young people are the window dressing the DS uses to hide the rot and it's a shame that many of them (who were never involved in the corruption) will have to now go through this painful identify/career crises.
My eldest son lives in DC. He just got his dream job at the State Dept working on projects in the Mekong region, he has apart always had a passion for SE Asia. He married a beautiful highly educated Thai woman while teaching overseas. I could not attend their wedding because I refused to take the jab my son pleaded with me to do so but I wouldn't capitulate. Since the pandemic my son has accused me of wearing a tin foil hat as I silently watch everything that I ever said to him come true. He was furloughed rom his job at the state department 3 weeks ago he's not allowed to collect any sort of unemployment and he loses his medical insurance during this time. My heart goes out to him, He doesn't see all the corruption because he's in the midst of it. Asking for prayers for my son, Kevin and his wife.
Prayers for Kevin and his wife. Many unintended consequences will play out. This "process" has put a wedge in many families; mine too. I pray God heals our families.
I'm really glad you didn't cave in and take the jab. This I think is the real test for mankind. If they love the world more than God they'd take the jab. Your conviction needs to be strong so as not to be blown around by the wind.
He pleaded with me to take the J&J, he had tears in his eyes. I could not travel to Thailand for his wedding 😔 I told him that I would give him a kidney but I would not take the jab for anyone. I do not regret my decision but it was a heart breaking one to make
I get your pain. I pleaded with our oldest son in 2021 (when he was still in the Army) not to take the J&J shot, to the point of tears myself. He felt he had no choice BUT to take it as an officer; I told him he ALWAYS has a choice. I cried about it a few times after that as well...but at this point, he's an adult, and I couldn't and can't tell him what to do. All I can do is pray he'll be okay over time. Worst part of all? He just GOT OUT of the Army. UGGHHHH.
I cannot imagine how difficult and painful that was for you. I've prayed for you and your family. Glad you did not give in to the jab
Not only a test but it also imho, used for the population reduction. Igg3-Igg4. Same battles with friends and family. I have stopped trying to convince anyone a long while back. Poeple have made their choices and now that the facts continue to come out in the purebloods favor, they have no choice but to either own up to it, or bury their head in the sand. I have buried too many friends and family. I am still dealing within close friends who now have rare cancers or other issues that started right after the injection cycles.
I'm sorry for your losses.
I just found out my 40 yr old cousin got stage 1 Lung cancer, found out after he was hospitalized for chronic Pneumonia after traveling to Japan in December where chronic Pneumonia was running rampant..I didn't know pneumonia is contagious. He was jabbed, not boosted, to obtain the proof of vacc to travel for work. He agreed vacc is no good and decided to do it anyway thinking he was young and took a chance. 4 years later he's in this state, it's really sad. I'm telling him to take ivermectin, HCQ, and Fenben..hopefully it'll just go away next time he does a check up. They say for some the side effects appear 4-5 years later.
Thank You and right back at you. It's devastating to see the results. There is a reason why the vaxxed always end up getting covid everytime it comes thru. Their immune systems are imprinted and since their bodies continue to produce the spikes, the weakened immunity can stand up to things it resisted prior, let alone stuff in the vax like sv40. Cancer, neuro and heart issues are thru the roof, so are excess deaths. It just blows my mine that some on that side still try to deny it. I stopped evangelizing it a few years ago. Folks made up their minds. I plant seed along the way and if they come and ask, I am happy to help them along.
You are correct on IVM HCQ and Fenben. I am trying to get my buddy who has blood cancer to try Fenben, sent him all the info, but, he's being treated by a large cancer group and is doing OK, so time will tell. Agree on the 5 year. They also put out a lot of saline shots and different levels of vax ( if people did the boosters, it would continue to build in their system and the plausible deniability to the vax.
I pray for them, I do, but this was wrong from the get go, the level of push, the coercion, propaganda and world wide push. Then add the "killing fields" of the local hospitals, I will never look at humanity the same, never.
I agree it was a test: an intelligence test.
My son is an expert on SE Asia. He worked so hard to get his dream job. When he was an undergrad he declared that one day he would work in the state department on humanitarian infrastructure projects in SE Asia. He finally made his dream come true only to have it crushed. Of course he blames Trump, he still in denial regarding the level of corruption in the swamp.
My heart goes out to him. I know a bunch of good hard working idealistic young people in his position and I agree for the most part they want to do well and have worked hard but just can't even begin to imagine the corruption. These hard working young people are the window dressing the DS uses to hide the rot and it's a shame that many of them (who were never involved in the corruption) will have to now go through this painful identify/career crises.