Business as usual…one of the realizations I had when I woke up was that the portrayal of everything going on was much too boring and I had felt that way even before I woke up but didn’t know why.
Never interrupt an enemy when they are destroying themselves. They literally have nothing. Not only do they have no platform or message, they are actually defending not only crimes, but all of the worst crimes imaginable. Death throes.
They have to die on this hill because it's their Achilles heel. No money? No deepstate swamp. It's that simple.
Damn your good, well said
🤣🤣🤣 too funny!
Hilarious! And very well done.
Business as usual…one of the realizations I had when I woke up was that the portrayal of everything going on was much too boring and I had felt that way even before I woke up but didn’t know why.
Never interrupt an enemy when they are destroying themselves. They literally have nothing. Not only do they have no platform or message, they are actually defending not only crimes, but all of the worst crimes imaginable. Death throes.
They are boxed in...Trump is Hitler...can't be for anything Hitler is for
Well done. Also, that hill looks a lot like a pile of poop. Just saying'.
They really are that corrupt, stupid, and desperate!
Karl Marx.
This reminds me of the political memes from the 1920’s and ‘30’s…exact same style.
His one on Scott adams is awesome....Scott threatened a lawsuit lol
Saw this and thought of you
Great meme!