It really shows how far we've been led away from our Founding Father's wisdom. That wisdom brought forth the US Constitution and an extremely LIMITED form of government that was fully transparent and 100% answerable to it's people. It had checks and balances to keep it from ever getting to where we are. But, though the fail-safe plan ultimately failed, this administration's "hostile takeover," if you will, appears to have every intention of getting us all the way back to a Constitutional Republic once again. In the meantime, every single move in that direction will look extreme, because, compared to what we've been used to for decades, all of it is a massive departure.
Comments (12)
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I don't think it's extreme enough.
I agree: it's a good start, but until almost EVERYTHING is transitioned to market-based (instead of coercive-government based), we're just doing the same thing all over again; sooner or later, the corruption will creep back in.
We all know what Einstein said about doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
Sometimes when shit is to screwed up you need to blow it up and start over
Have you tried unplugging your republic and plugging it back in?
Love this! Fixes everything at my house.
House invested with termites often beyond repair. Must doze it to start anew. In this case parasites are our problem.
We have a major rat infestation
The basement is flooded, too. It's a total swamp.
They created 100's of thousands of laws to circumvent The Constitution. The more we eliminate the sooner we get back to it. little gov = BIG CITIZEN.
“Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness ” - Alejandro Jodorowsky.
Can’t we just get rid of the Democrats?
They're doing that all by themselves.
Might "seem" extreme, but the normie does not comprehend the shitstorm that is the deep state, the economy , and how the globalists created a system to ensure the destruction of the USA.
Emergency times call for emergency measures.
Get radical as long as the Constitution and Bill of Rights is not violated.
We're all in.