Many of you have seen my comments and have drilled me mercilessly. I have made the point that I agree with the desired end goals, but that there are/were better ways to get there regarding the DOGE/EO cuts. I also believe that there are far more talented and committed federal workers than this Board believes.
And, in full disclosure, as a professional service provider I got on the GSA contractor list not too long ago because I finally felt that I was seasoned enough to add value to Federal projects, and I had a contract. I say "had" because it was just canceled due to the DOGE/EO initiatives to shrink government. So, yes, it affects me personally. Not hugely, but significantly enough that I started pivoting a long time ago.
Am I whining? No. Am I complaining? No. Do I feel entitled and pissed off that I lost "muh contract"? No.
Do I still agree with the shrinking of the Federal government and all that it does? Yes.
And do I still believe that there is a way to accomplish that without throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Yes.
A lot of comments have been shot at me with no sauce: claims that all federal employees are lazy; claims that fed employees are all just sucking the tit of America, and so forth.
No, they're not. I don't know what percent are good, and I also don't know what percent of the good ones stayed or got the fuck out because of the chaos.
For those interested to know what role I played, I facilitated/consulted a leadership team of scientists who needed a neutral 3rd party to effectively navigate their dynamic so as to make better decisions collectively and to ensure that their mission would be accomplished--I can't say more without risking doxxing myself which is against the rules on this site... otherwise I'd just tell you everything because it is public information.
Those of you who rolled your eyes at "facilitation/consulting", I understand. Those words have been soiled by assholes a long time ago. In this situation, there were 18 people with PhD's (which is important because their personalities matched their degree) who all had personal agendas regarding their science, and who all also needed to come together to lead the overall group to accomplish the collective mission. Basically, I helped one ego talk to another. As basic as that sounds, it's very complicated. And, I wasn't paid much. My total contract value was less than $30K for the year after subtracting expenses. And, this contract was canceled.
I am sure the scientists will figure it out. But I also am confident that what they produce, and how quickly they produce it, and the overall productivity of the broader team and context will all suffer due to the fact that they do not have a 3rd party facilitator that they had requested in the first place because they knew their own hurdles.
Before you all armchair the situation and simply state that they should be able to figure it out, just keep in mind that you are probably not a PhD working on science/research projects that occupy 110% of your time. And no, this is not bio science or vax related stuff, by the way--I have foregone opportunities to assist NIH, and other such orgs needing the same facilitation because I am against what these agencies do. My agency was inside the USDA.
What's my point after all of this context?
I guarantee that there is no way that Elon (or Trump and his team) have been able to assess the true value of some of the federal agencies and what they deliver. And by randomly cutting budgets in a private sector style, they are risking losing valuable intellectual capital, momentum in critical projects, capacity to continue delivering valuable deliverables that impact the future of America, etc. I can only offer my own scenario as proof. But like a mathematical proof, if there is one instance that disproves the theorem, then it is not a theorem.
For your consideration, I suggest that many of the active Anons posting on this Board are in a blood-thirsty revenge mode and are not able to see the pettiness with which Elon Musk, a billionaire beyond billionaires, is acting. I mean, really... if I had that much money, why would I lower myself to the levels of the Left? Why wouldn't I take the high road and eschew the values that I espouse, and become a role model for America?
Ultimately, our culture needs healing, not more division. Keep cutting the Federal government, but show some class. Let the Left continue fuck themselves, like with the sex chat room.
Continually prove that Trump was right, and that conspiracy theories are/were accurate, and let the work and evidence speak for itself. Allow the people in the middle to make a distinction between people with class, and two sides down in the mosh pit slinging insults and salt at each other.
Kindness is not necessary. But simple facts and truths will be the light. We don't need to be dark people trying to shine light. It doesn't matter how badly you've been burned. And my canceled contract is not the first time I've been burned by championing Trump.
Until this country comes together, we are going to continue this tit for tat bullshit, and the tension will remain high, and more and more people will wonder why Trump can't behave with the American people the way he does with his family. It's getting hard to defend him when he is not a leader. And no, he is not leading. He is a catalyst right now. A leader fosters unity, even in crisis. Look it up. And FFS if you respond and that's the only thing you comment about, then fuck off.
Casually speaking, for those wondering what side I'm on, I am 110% on Trump's side, and I also am a fan of the Q Plan. But as this Board has discussed, we are at war, and although many of you enjoy the collateral damage, to me the "war" means that although there is a script, it is not going to perfectly unfold. It is more of a direction than a script; NCSWIC.
And to that point, then, there is room for improvement. I hope there are Q Team members on this Board, and if you read this, maybe you'll say "Fuck this guy." Or, maybe you'll think step out of your own echo chamber to see that there are at least 35% of Americans who are not only against Trump/Elon but who are infuriated by them, and that's 100% due to the style by which things have been implemented (my opinion).
That's my rambling rant. Fire away. That's what this Board is for. Oh... I almost forgot...
Standing up for goodness is what I thought Anons were all about.
Values are important, and when we squander them in pettiness, we lose. How you play the game is equally as important as winning. God's speed.
Do you have any idea how little I want the federal government to do?
Hint: it’s not a lot
You probably haven't much of an understanding of what is being accomplished by the Federal gov.
There are things the States should do, and many States won't do them, so we need something to create consistency across the country. Consider mental health services as an example. If you have a SME, you're fucked if you live in a state that doesn't care.
Elon is by design. He's playing a pre-planned role. Want to save the country? The gov has to be cut by 90+%. Elon will do that while protecting Trump from the heat.
I remember when my state said that it would close mental health hospitals, and use the savings to create community based servcies.
They close the hospitals, but did not help community based services get started.
Result? The need was real and went from being met to now being unmet. People with real SME, who are the reason we have a safety net... and they are screwed.
What was gained? Saved some money.
If we cut the fed gov by 90%, and expect that either states or the private sector will fill in the gap and deliver the necessary value (even if that value was less than the 90% of the gov that was cut), we will be a country in chaos. Cutting without a plan is dangerous.
Identifying fraud and exposing it and ending it s perfect. Lumping it all together is a blunder.
That's because there is too much fraud in government. 'Your state' responses were crumbs thrown out to minimize public outcry and to pacify objectors.
I don't think I've explained that scenario well enough. It's not tied to what's going on today. But it was just an example that making cuts without a plan is not prudent, and leads to a lot of hurt and broken lives.
You have'nt realized that there is swamp at State level too that will need draining? Of course they didn't do it right. They are just another layer that needs to be exfoliated.
Of course there are swamps at all levels. This happened in 2003 in my state. A red state. Way before draining was on the radar.
The plan to destroy though, was on the radar decades or more ago. The asylums and mental hospitals shutting were part of their plan to destroy society.
And I am not saying they should have been kept open, or not. I don't know enough. I just know that a lie was sold to the communities that then inherited a lot of mentally ill and homeless people and didn't have the resources to help them. Much like a small town in Ohio inheriting a bunch of Haitian refugees, but there were not that many mentally ill people. Just similar in principle.
I wonder where the money for the institutions ended up going.
Just my thoughts on the federal employee's subject. It looks like there are a lot of ghost employees that get a paycheck. At least that's what I gather from listening to President Trump and Elon... That has to be rooted out completely. As well as the Social Security scam paying millions of dead people.
Absolutely agree. And I would bet that if you were in charge, you would not have used a "reply with what you did last week" email. That was not a great tactic, as many good employees were told it as not real and therefore didn't reply. Many are being told that it is not legal what he is doing. So, pretend you don't know what you know as an Anon, and pretend that you are a Fed employee doing your job... and you are being told that it is not legal, and you are being told not to respond. See the confusion? It was a flawed tactic. But it's Elon, and anything anti-gov must be good.
Elon actually touched on that today at the Cabinet meeting. He said that email was misconstrued by a lot of people and it was basically a pulse check.
They want to make sure the federal workers on the payroll are real live people. They said only half responded, but they will be sending out another email to give people another chance to respond.
They are most interested in cutting fraud and waste.
He also said they will make mistakes and when it is pointed out, they fix those mistakes. For example, he said with the USAID, they took Ebola funding away but then reinstated it quickly.
My thoughts on this... If what you do is important and necessary, let them know. Maybe they'll reinstate your contract. The worst they can say is "no".
Good insights. I am not aiming to get my contract back, actually. I've already pivoted.
Regarding his email, I think that strategy is flawed. With his experts they could have cross examined the databases very easily and determined who was real wand who was not. This was a public satisfy his ego. My opinion.
"am I whining?"
You are worthless.
You are a public SERVANT.
You are paid from taxes stolen from people that produce wealth.
You are a parasite that depends on the productivity of others.
You are worthless. How dare you speak to your employer like that.
You are a simpleton.
You are a parasite.
I am self employed, you live off tax’s stolen from my kind. You are the scum of the earth, your delusion convinces you that you are my better.
If we stop paying taxes, what do you have to trade?
Quite the extrapolation. You must be a good reader. Dumbass. I am self-employed too, numbnuts. One of my clients happened to be a fed agency. Try harder.
Back at you. Feel like I'm arguing with a bot.
That was directed to changeagent, not you
go whine about it
You're original. And obviously incapable of much thought.
good luck in the private sector fatso
Your assumptions just prove that you're a dildo. In someones ass, nonetheless. Come out and see reality.
I am in business for myself in the private sector. One of my clients happened to be a Fed agency. Are you that stupid? Oh, sorry... forgot... you're a dildo in someone's ass.
always straight to the gay insults with you people
almost like you're obsessed with it
It's just how you come across.
Such a great business “man” that you negotiated a contract worth a whopping $30k a YEAR.
You are beyond pitiful.
Really? You have enough facts to know that that was all I could negotiate? You must be one of those morons who walks around touting his accomplishments all the time. Again, nice try.
Fed perks/money aren’t worth our nations autonomy from the dirty deep state Chyna infiltrator’s. I figure a lost opportunity is worth losing for a solid America. Once we get recovered we will get some perk options again. DEI/trannie losers gotta go, sadly they were part of the infiltration plan.. denigrating everything real Americans value. Sadly, for 5-6% morality has slipped to a very low subhuman level. The sheer level of disgusting corruption is why Trump is moving fast and furious, it’s essential to do this to literally save America. Watch the sick shit come out, bureaucracy has been used as a veil to hide our own destruction.
You are a parasite. Nothing more complicated than that.
10000 word salad that did not justify the fact that you were paid in excess of $30k a year to “connect people”.
Do your mental gymnastics, but we all know you offer NOTHING to our civilisation.
Explain your talents to a private business and see if you get a contract. That will be the indicator of your ability and worth.
Nice summary. Inaccurate. I have and have had many other private sector contracts. Nice try. You're a bit butt hurt, I think. Maybe friends with that Glad cuck.
I think burnnewhistory is on to something
Well, then go get with him. You two are perfect for one another. Don't read. Issue insults because you're all butt hurt. And can't have a discussion. Should be a happy home you make together.
No. I’m in Europe, I have encountered your type many times. A parasite that will do anything for a few dollars.
I am self employed, and an employer.
You are a worthless parasite, man st likely a civil servant pretending to be a tax payer.
Haha... Europe. looks like you have done a good job with your own.
I don't care what you think I am . You're wrong about me. And you didn't even take the time to understand my point. Now go whack off looking at Elon.
I’ll bet you there are thousands of replies from whistleblowers providing all kinds of leads.
I hope so. I hope they are protected, too.
Feel free to recreate this thread. Locking this one because folks cant be civil.
My only issue with Musk: I would like to see other patriot genius folks also assisting with this.
Someone that isn’t connected to Elon in any way. It seems as Elon’s team and only Elon’s team is doing everything.
That’s a concern of mine. There should be multiple vendors helping with this.
I'd really like to know what you were actually working on for the government, ngl. I think if it would be considered necessary and a fault from DODGE's side to cancel it, the MAGA community could be a loud voice for you.
But i accept that it would doxx you and it's not allowed on here.
Odds are that Musk will soon do something that raises the IRE of this board and sentiment will fllip flop again.
Sure , I generally like what he is doing right now but I still dont forget that this guy wanted/wants to put a chip in everyones head.
I also believe we are cheering on all these cuts yet NOT considering reasons other than " saving taxpayers money and eliminating waste".......
People like to think they are more fair and open minded than they really are. Im not immune from that either at times.