RFK paused a multi-million dollar contract from the Biden “administration” to create a new covid vaccine a week before 10,000 individuals were slated to begin clinical trials.
Let's GOOOOOOooo

Very nice. They can test that shit on themselves.
good now cancel the bird flu vaccine and all mrna vaccines
Where do they find 10,000 people that stupid?
Just send peeps to grocery stores and chat up the idiots wearing masks. I bet it'd be pretty easy to fill a quota.
Probably links up with the federal employees who didn't provide their five bullet points.
People that need the money. My nephew volunteered when he was younger to be involved in medical experiments for the money.. He is fine now but after awhile he developed gut issues and had trouble eating causing him to get IBS. Not sure if that was related or not to his being a medical guinea pig.
Correct, that’s 10k that should never be allowed to breed.
10k lives saved heh
Those 10k are probably already 5+ times vaccinated against cOvId and volunteered for this.
well, at least there's a chance, hopefully, that those retards are already out of the gene pool.
10,000 Darwin Award recipients.
Beautiful. Time to save humanity. Where are the Trump Avenger photos when you need one.
Lives saved.
Great NEWS!!!
I thought they only test this stuff on 4 mice now
Let’s vaccinate 10000 people and give the a free air fare, hotel voucher, food allowance and allow them to travel though out the United States, to see if THEY can contaminate the public. This is for science
This must be FAKE.
No sauce, a waste of time. Lazy op.