Yes, it's a relic... and a very expensive one at that. It would be sort of like trying to restore a 1960 Ford Pinto... it could be done, at great expense... more expense than the car was worth... but why? You'd just have a restored crappy car that no one would want to buy.
Vultures like Mitt Romney couldn't help but froth at the mouth at the potential billions to be made from the old Soviet corpse. God, I hate those disgusting politicians.
NATO should have been dissolved the day after the Soviet union fell. The Warsaw pact was null and void and NATO became a relic.
Yes, it's a relic... and a very expensive one at that. It would be sort of like trying to restore a 1960 Ford Pinto... it could be done, at great expense... more expense than the car was worth... but why? You'd just have a restored crappy car that no one would want to buy.
...excellent anology
Except the Pinto wasn't created until 10 years later, in 1970 ;p
But Mexico made the Ford Punto in 1960. That was the point.
That makes it even harder. KEK
Vultures like Mitt Romney couldn't help but froth at the mouth at the potential billions to be made from the old Soviet corpse. God, I hate those disgusting politicians.