The media so far has not understood this ruling properly, but I admit it looks bad.
This is a one-page unsigned order by the Supreme Court. It entertains no legal analysis and therefore it has no true precedential effect. It merely says the DOJ did not argue that the monies were not owed to the NGOs for work already performed, and therefore the lower court's order to pay the monies was something the lower court could order at his discretion.
I do feel like the DOJ bungled this petition. They will learn from this and I think we'll win the second bite at the apple when a similar case comes up next.
Now, sadly, this order will encourage other rogue district court judges to make the same kinds of findings, but I do predict something will get to the Supreme Court soon which will compel a full legal analysis of the executive's authority. This case did not do that, and I do fault the DOJ for its handling of this case.
But I am gobsmacked by Roberts and Barrett. Something is up with those two.
Roberts and Barrett have adopted kids. Did Epstein arrange the adoptions? Lin Wood said he did. Understand now?
I have been suspicious of Roberts since the Obama care ruling. Remember how he left the country immediately afterwards, going to Malta (“to teach a class”). I’ve never had a good feeling about Barrett. I suspect they both have control files.
To "be knighted in Malta" means to be admitted as a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a Catholic religious order with a long history of providing medical care and humanitarian aid, where members are formally called "Knights of Malta" and can be referred to as "Sir" or "Dame" depending on their gender; membership is by invitation only and requires a strong commitment to the Catholic faith and charitable work.
They are considered as a sovereign country to 114 different countries, having diplomatic immunity. Knights of Malta as a command and control center goes deep.
Roberts Obamacare ruling almost read like it was repealed, but the word repealed was replaced with sustained or something similar. I'm going from memory, so I might be forgetting something.
Anyway, the both of them are mostly useless fucking fakes.
There's something weird about federal appointees and celebrities 'adopting' children outside their race. Probable blackmail cards to be played if needed