Noticed something new on the US debt clock app - Assets captured from the "International Banking Cartel" - 7 Trillion! Does anyone know anything about this?
Very Interesting! 🧐

The estimated number continues to go up. This implies assets are continued to be recaptured as part of an ongoing RICO prosecution.
Very positive news, IF accurate.
Or that White Hats have seized control and are “””SLOWLY””” weening the US off.
There’s a bunch of reasons why they wouldn’t be able to just turn off the supply and subsequently why the money would still be coming in. I imagine that in some ways it’s business as usual, product goes out, money comes in. It seems wrong to think white hats are selling drugs, but how else would they do it?? They can’t just set up free clinics and give it away “”right now”” because that would show their hand and we aren’t there yet.
There could come a time when that approach is implemented and done until the numbers are manageable, but if that does occur it will be a loooong process.
Im thinking of it like a siphon. Dirty dollars recaptured with a big ol money vac
My only request is that we somehow turn the “hidden wealth” value into “not-so-hidden wealth” lol
Why do you assume they would tell us or it can't be happening? Or is this s/
I'm not 100% on this so I'm asking.
A US Attorney who indicts someone under RICO has the option of seeking a pre-trial restraining order or an injunction to temporarily seize a defendant's assets. There are a LOT of sealed indictments out there. Who would publicly admit their assets have been frozen due to a criminal investigation?
It can happen secretly under FISA.
Yeah,,, I know FISA was all messed up, but I don’t believe it’s been that way for a while.
A lot of what we have found out about “current” corruption is a white hat op to better prepare the public to understand the how and why’s of corruption they’re going to be told happened in the past. Past being prior to DT taking office the first time.
Think about a military op and a prosecutor worth a damn preparing to bring charges. Do either of them tell ppl before they make their move what they are going to do? Nope and the same is true here! DT told us repeatedly that he wouldn’t be like his predecessors and tell our enemies what’s coming, yet, new Anons tend to believe that is exactly what’s happening.
No way in hell would white hats tell everyone about all the corruption they’re tackling prior to them dealing with the vast majority of all it.
For some reason I thought prosecution could also be held, but wasn’t the norm.
Regardless, the military can do it if they show strong evidence that it’s necessary.
Also,,, the Constitution can and has been suspended, that in itself gives a pathway.