Enron shred party happening now at USAID
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I bet there are already copies somewhere
of course
Of course there are. These people think it's 1950.
"We have it all."
Do they really believe that would do any good. The only thing it does is make them criminals.
It worked for Killary.
Not sure about that. I like to imagine that Starlink can download the Cloud and intercept all signals intelligence.
Wait wait, so they’re fighting to not get shut down and so in turn now shredding public records they’re supposed to keep for up to 5 years? Wouldn’t they want to keep those records to prove they were doing something vs nothing? And putting out an obvious warning like this seems like a grift or challenge of some kind to actually have the authorities act to freeze and maintain all documents! And why would the “doorstop” Secretary order this when the last was fired by Trump and this person brought in to hold a spot for the new hire? Doesn’t make sense the “doorstop” Secretary would care about these people enough to risk his/her own neck going to jail shredding records! Unless it was a current emotionally and dirt tied employee moved up, and is “saving” his/her fellow employees?
Yeah, either these people are this stupid or this article is MSM click-bait BS.
"shred" I understand it might be a figure of speech, but who still works with paper? Isn't everything somewhere on a network? And in 2025, I assume there'll be redundancy in off site backups of those electronic records. The concept that in this age you can destroy evidence by shredding some folders of paper makes no sense to me.
From the Linux man pages - This is the beginning of the help file for the Linux command "shred". But yeah - they are probably talking about paper docs.
SHRED(1) User Commands SHRED(1)
NAME shred - overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it
DESCRIPTION Overwrite the specified FILE(s) repeatedly, in order to make it harder for even very expensive hardware probing to recover the data. ...
You mean wipe the hard drives with a cloth?
I still want to know WHY it's MY (and every other taxpayers's) responsibility to provide anything for anyone in any other country? How is it "illegal" to STOP sending charity outside the USA? The Constitution does NOT provide for charity to anyone.
Not even to its own states. Less than 20 years after our nation’s founding, a debate arose in the House of Representatives as to whether the US government should provide relief for Haitian refugees pouring into New England. The recordings of that third congress revealed compassion was the driving force to consider whether the sum of $15,000 should be spent from the Treasury to aid those escaping a war-torn Haiti in the midst of revolution. James Madison’s dissent was clear: “Charity is no part of the legislative duty of government. It would puzzle any gentleman to lay his finger on any part of the Constitution which would authorize the government to interpose in the relief of…sufferers.” https://www.truecharity.us/charity-is-no-part-of-the-government/
Exactly the situation/words I think about with ALL this money going out.