exactly, if WE suck so much, then why aren't our students trying to go abroad for their "furthering" education? if the USA is soooooooo racist then get the hell out of here and go to a muslim/sharia loving country to further your education.
let those liberal POS get out of here and study "abroad". i guess George Soros doesn't fund that?
Apparently because we're a cash cow that hasn't been sucked far enough into debt slavery would by my guess. And they realize the country they've been lying to and bleeding dry is starting to understand they've been misused as the worlds enforcer.
why are we allowing foreign students to study at our Universities?? (with all the woke crap going on there it's just a jihadists wet dream to be accepted here).
what benefit is it to America to train foreign people and have them go home to use our knowledge against US? i've never understood how any of this kind of shit has benefited the USA, ever.
plus, we have foreigners competing for spots at our Universities that Americans deserve. this doesn't benefit the USA at all.
Nearly there. Foreign students are subsidised with tax payer grants at full pay, so it’s yet another money laundering scam.
Same in Ireland. When I went to university back in the 90’s there were few, and I mean maybe 2 foreigner (non European) students.
Now there are hundreds of dumb Turd World Indians, ME and African “students”. What are they learning? All sponsored by “grants” because “human rights”. The grift is unreal.
As per plan. They have always targeted the united states. They have to destroy us through education, tv, propaganda, food, air, water, you name it, they want us dead.
Thank you! Even on this great website most miss (or won't) identify the men behind the curtain. Yes it's always the same group as deletme1234 pointed out in his/her reply. Who killed the OT prophets? Who are the "synagogue of Satan" (Rev 2:9 & 3:9)?
I check ball park figures, one year tuition $70,000 x 36,000 (students) = 2,520,000,000
Not including housing, $17000 per year, new student fees $675, books, personal expenses, transportation $4000, where’s all this money coming from?
please remember that columbia university is the largest real estate holder in nyc as a private entity. and yet the us govt was funding them with $400mil a year? did I get that right?
Remember DJT mentioned the creation of the "American University"? Free tuition to American students. And he clearly indicated that the funding ($$) would come from law suits against ivy league universities. That confused me at the time I heard it. If that's true what does that tell us about these Ivy League schools? $$ laundering perhaps? $$ back to the Democratic party?
If we suck so much (looking at you, progtards), why does everyone want to come here?
exactly, if WE suck so much, then why aren't our students trying to go abroad for their "furthering" education? if the USA is soooooooo racist then get the hell out of here and go to a muslim/sharia loving country to further your education.
let those liberal POS get out of here and study "abroad". i guess George Soros doesn't fund that?
Apparently because we're a cash cow that hasn't been sucked far enough into debt slavery would by my guess. And they realize the country they've been lying to and bleeding dry is starting to understand they've been misused as the worlds enforcer.
why are we allowing foreign students to study at our Universities?? (with all the woke crap going on there it's just a jihadists wet dream to be accepted here).
what benefit is it to America to train foreign people and have them go home to use our knowledge against US? i've never understood how any of this kind of shit has benefited the USA, ever.
plus, we have foreigners competing for spots at our Universities that Americans deserve. this doesn't benefit the USA at all.
My guess is that the foreign students are full pay, while the Americans are in scholarship. Simple economics…
Nearly there. Foreign students are subsidised with tax payer grants at full pay, so it’s yet another money laundering scam.
Same in Ireland. When I went to university back in the 90’s there were few, and I mean maybe 2 foreigner (non European) students.
Now there are hundreds of dumb Turd World Indians, ME and African “students”. What are they learning? All sponsored by “grants” because “human rights”. The grift is unreal.
Has everything been dumbed down?
Benefits those here at home bent on taking us down
How many of them go home?
Many of our newer professors are foreign students who went to USA schools. It's a way to get into the country.
As per plan. They have always targeted the united states. They have to destroy us through education, tv, propaganda, food, air, water, you name it, they want us dead.
It’s against the entire Western Christian Society. It’s coordinated 5G warfare.
Obama went there too, the original foreign student.
So USAID money went to foreign countries to send students to Columbia?
To pay their inflated tuitions....and to eventually take down the American Constitution from within.
Especially in grad school.
They get more money from them.
Love the attempt at misdirection / shift blame. Think these people are the least of your problems.
Isn’t there a way more older, powerful and treacherous ethnic group holding sway over these and other major American institutions? Asking a fren.
The Prophet Killers, (((they))) are of the devil, Synagogue of Satan, pulling all the strings behind the scenes.
These Turd World parasites are a bio weapon used against us.
It’s a problem every White Christian country is facing.
+1 new perspective on ‘bioweapon’ 😂
Thank you! Even on this great website most miss (or won't) identify the men behind the curtain. Yes it's always the same group as deletme1234 pointed out in his/her reply. Who killed the OT prophets? Who are the "synagogue of Satan" (Rev 2:9 & 3:9)?
Legal immigration is still replacement immigration. Ask a Canadian.
I check ball park figures, one year tuition $70,000 x 36,000 (students) = 2,520,000,000 Not including housing, $17000 per year, new student fees $675, books, personal expenses, transportation $4000, where’s all this money coming from?
Did you pay your taxes? Did your grand kids?
please remember that columbia university is the largest real estate holder in nyc as a private entity. and yet the us govt was funding them with $400mil a year? did I get that right?
Didn't Barack Obama attend Columbia University?
Is that any better than a college become a zionist shithole? or maybe an entire government?
Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world applies to education as well.
Remember DJT mentioned the creation of the "American University"? Free tuition to American students. And he clearly indicated that the funding ($$) would come from law suits against ivy league universities. That confused me at the time I heard it. If that's true what does that tell us about these Ivy League schools? $$ laundering perhaps? $$ back to the Democratic party?
They’re given degrees so they have EVEN MOAR access to jobs we supposedly don’t want.