🚨 FINALLY!!! Crew 10 Enters The ISS! And Its Hugs All Around!!!
Maximus Aviation
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They always have the long hair loose, showing zero G. Why no pony tails? Seems uncomfortable, and in the way. Unless it's just for show.
Good, redpill-worthy, question.
This is what I came here to say!
As a woman, long hair is annoying when it’s under control. I can’t imagine having it swinging around my head all day, like that.
It looks ridiculous and completely negates any reason for ornamental hair display.
Why are there no safety standards regarding hair on the ISS? Hair gets into everything and tangles up moving parts. She must consider this Medusa halo in every move that she makes. It seems like an unnecessary liability.
Did I mention that it looks silly?
^^^^^^ 100%
Psyop if I ever saw one. Suprised folks around here are falling for it.
Early programming runs deep.
Yep. First lesson in kindergarten.
Red vs orange, squares vs circles, earth is a ball spinning thru space at 1000 mph.
ball is spinning through space and the universe is expanding outward, but our constellations remain the same for thousands of years...
The tech is getting better, look at the hair, always on display, front and center.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
Her hair is always back and away from her face. No matter how she moves. Wouldn’t it , truly in zero gravity, be all over the place? As she turned, it would lag behind until pulled around to follow her movements. Why does it never zero gravity float to cover or impede viewing her face?
Did you see that a Russian was part of the boarding crew?
yes. that would be normal.they are one of many that go there.
What really drove the Biden hold-up then, if that is completely normal .....
I am pointing at the fact that cooperation on this level is reinstated Between US/RF
Yes. Destroy the DS narrative.
An independent, effective, efficient private contractor (ignore subsidies for now) managed to get a US / RF team into orbit to carry out the rescue.
Never A Straight Answer failed.
Hair spray lady just make me laugh. Its all a movie.
Oh look... crazy hair and cables...
Give that woman a Scrunchie!!
Do they always bring a cowbell into space with them?
More cowbell!!!
Zero gravity seems to make her hair go back and up and stay there.