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WHISTLEBLOWER: They were incentivized to qualify illegals for LONG TERM DISABILITY to qualify illegals for Social Security FOR LIFE, “So they were set for life”
“They wanted us to try to identify them in such a way that they would qualify for long-term social security disability. Now long-term social security disability is for life. So if they get identified and qualify for long-term social security disability, they are as good as set up for life”
“That doesn't sound like a refugee to me. Just being honest, that sounds like someone who's planning on staying here.”
“So they instructed us to try to identify, to try to get the client, because once they arrive here, they're now called clients. ---So they told us that we needed to talk to the client and ask them if they had any headaches, recurring headaches, or any lower back problems, anything that would qualify them for Social Security Long Term Disability”
“Yes, it is insanity. But in order to get Social Security disability benefits, don't you need a Social Security number? Well, we were instructed in the meeting that one of the first things we were supposed to do was sign them up for Social Security.”
“This is unbelievable. So they come over here and they get a Social Security number. Right. They become legal.
Democrats wanted illegals migrants on PERMANENT social security so they could drain our system and we’d pay for them until the day they die. They’d never have to work a day in their lives in America
And meanwhile, my son who would like any job at all but is actually disabled, gets denied. He'll get something eventually, but damn.
My husband too. Going on 15 years now. His lawyer told him he was too young and they would come up with whatever reasons to deny it. All his doctors testified he is disabled but they decided to get second opinions from their own crooked (probably paid off) doctors who spend 5 minutes with him and was able to make a quick judgement against him. The judge will do whatever they feel like their unwritten job description is basically to come up with any reasoning as to why the person should be denied benefit. Many resources are out into denying people benefits. Many homeless are actually disabled who couldn’t get the help they needed. To hear this was done against us as us citizens and handed out to illegal immigrants makes my blood boil.
Cures exist. Whatever he has there is probably help for it. I’ve been listening to A lot of “carnivore diet” interviews and it is unbelievable all the issues that people are curing with this diet including type 2 diabetes, heart and liver problems, joint issues many gut problems like IBS, celiac, chrones’ disease, etc.
That doesn’t even include all the crazy healing people get with alternative medicine.
I lost 50lbs on that diet and "HARDLY" eat anything with carbs in it...Meat & Veggies + protein drink in the morning!!!!
I was on full tablet of Cholesterol med and HUGE statin for blood pressure!!!!!
NOW, I have lost 50 lbs., the cholesterol med is halved, and blood pressure is a VERY TINY PILL...have a physical in July 2025 and will probably come off those drugs then...
NOTE ALSO: the milk is the grass-fed kind that does NOT have all that junk in it...and it tastes better than the grocery milk!!!!!! I'm 74!!!!!
That's messed up. Sorry to hear it.
So the SSDI medical evaluators were in on it? Then their licenses should be pulled!
The swamp runs deep.
Whoever did this should be tried for treason against the American PEOPLE!
Cut the free money off and they will go home.
Easy fix.
W in T actual F? Every time I think people couldn't be more evil, guess what? THEY ARE. Ugh.
Every time I went to Social Security, there were a lot people from other countries, and I was wondering why is this happening? Of course all in SS Disability
Just one whistleblower out of hundreds, or thousands of government workers who knew about and helped enable this disugusting scheme against Americans.
I hope to God we can find every every one of these traitors and hold them accountable.
I'm praying for more to come forward from every agency & I'm sure they will as they see the others come out.
This is the correct move
This is fact, I met a family from Laos, the son was getting LONG TERM DISABILITY, he / they put zero into the system.
My ex father in law, now deceased, had actual MS and they fought him for years. Started with he "quit his job too soon, he wasnt disabled enough yet." He finally got it but passed in 2018.
The system is broken and people need to go to jail. There are no consequences for criminals who are incentivized to break the law.
Guess that's a way to have Dem voters for life too. Some people need to hang or spend the rest of their miserable lives in prison for this traitorous scam.
From a view far above, I see that the left has been attempting the quicken default of the U.S. in order to rebuid from the ashes their 'Utopia' when a the greatest depression imagineable occurs. It's that simple when I look at it all. The details inbetween are meaningless.
We would have truly been third world in no time. Also all those on disability would have worked as well and would have ended up richer that a most Americans.
And myself who actually have a disability cannot get qualified for long term ssi disability. Now I know why.
Hopefully Elon will get rid of all of them.
How can anyone justify giving a social security number to an illegal? Wouldn't that make them legal?
No, it will them guilty of fraud & treason.
A few things are not sitting right with me since I worked for SSA for quite a few years.
1)“They wanted us…” Who is they? 2) I have no idea who this woman works for, but it sounds like an NGO and not SSA. 3)All green card holders, refugees and asylum seekers get a SSN. It used to be their number started with a 7, but that changed. The SSN is supposed to be issued when a non-citizen gets a work authorization permit; however, DHS has been giving EVERYONE work authorization when someone enters the country. Children as young as 5 (and yes I have seen the documents) get work authorizations. I thought we did away with child labor, but I guess I was wrong. 4)What the hell is long-term Social Security Disability? All disability cases have review requirements, so it is not a life-long disability. The only “life-long” disabilities are something that is a terminal illness. 5)Identifying someone with a disability, as everyone knows, does not guarantee Social Security Disability (SSD). You need tons of medical documentation. 6)They are now called “clients.” Oh for Pete’s sake. Every govt agency has been calling people applying for benefits, clients for decades. It’s not a new thing and they damn sure don’t pay for anything! 7)All SSN does not mean you are LEGAL except in the sense that the govt knows you are here. 8)Passports?! There may be something to that, as I have seen lots of US Passports that are questionable. 9)Wait he is not upset about the food and medical?! Are you kidding me? I deal with 1st, 2nd and some 3rd generation new citizens who believe that this is something that they are entitled to automatically! In PA, food stamps are now $ 292.00 a month per person. For a family of 4 that’s $14,016.00 a year! And medical, let’s just use Medicare B Premiums of $185.00 a month as an example. We will have a 20% copay on all medical, they don’t so that can be a really big savings. Now add in the cost of a vision and dental plan and that is another $40-$50 a month for the good plans so that’s another $480 - $600 a year for one person. So the money that this guy is not upset about because he seems to think that we can get it back looks like this: 1 PersonFamily of 4 Food Stamps: $292.00 per month$1168.00 per month Medical: $185.00 per month$740.00 per month Dental: $25.00 per month$100.00 per month Vision:$20.00 per month$80.00 per month Total:$522.00 per month$2088.00 per month $6,264.00 per year$25,056.00 per year
Where the hell does he think we are going to get it back from? The non-citizens? This is just 2 programs. Factor in housing and utilities and that amount more than doubles. 10) Bureaucrats don’t know that this is happening?!?!?! Bullshit! Public servants, us little people in the trenches who deal with and see this shit every day, are told to not question anything they say and to take their word for everything, even their identity!
11)Well we all know Catholic Charities are rotten to the core and have been bringing them into PA since the early 90’s. 12)And yes, they do sometimes just pick a name to go by. 13) The most that they would get from Social Security is SSI, Supplemental Security Income, which is now $967 a month.