It doesn't matter what I think, now that the U.S. government has addressed the issue and does not think it was an act of war. I hear your prejudice speaking, not the voice of reason.
What prejudice? We give them billions in cash and weapons every single year, yet get nothing in return. Practically every senator and congressman has an AIPAC handler.
JFK didn't want israel getting nukes, and he was assassinated shortly after. What prejudice?
Prove your case, write a book, make lots of money. All you have is prejudice. JFK was also in the bad graces of organized crime. He was also a Catholic. He did the hot-cha with Marilyn Monroe. He captained a torpedo boat. There are all kinds of circumstantial coincidences. You get to supply the imaginary connection.
Governments addressed the safety of the vaccine many times. You just didn’t like what they said.
You’re poor at logic, which is what I was pointing out. “The government addressed it so it’s settled”. But clearly you don’t feel that way for all issues.
The government lied about essential information during the Covid fiasco. That's not "addressing" anything.
Whatever dispute might have been between the U.S. and Israel was settled between them. There was no state of war. The evidence is that the U.S. was complicit. This is old news for me; I read an analysis article on this, decades ago, in the Journal of the Naval Institute. No one has explained a reasonable rationale for making old news a cause celebre. Other than holding a grudge against certain people.
It doesn't matter what I think, now that the U.S. government has addressed the issue and does not think it was an act of war. I hear your prejudice speaking, not the voice of reason.
What prejudice? We give them billions in cash and weapons every single year, yet get nothing in return. Practically every senator and congressman has an AIPAC handler.
JFK didn't want israel getting nukes, and he was assassinated shortly after. What prejudice?
Prove your case, write a book, make lots of money. All you have is prejudice. JFK was also in the bad graces of organized crime. He was also a Catholic. He did the hot-cha with Marilyn Monroe. He captained a torpedo boat. There are all kinds of circumstantial coincidences. You get to supply the imaginary connection.
Governments worldwide addressed the vaccine. It was good and necessary. You agree, right?
Not as an act of war. The "vaccine" was more like a crime against humanity. Nothing has been addressed on that level.
Poor at argument. Always need to switch the topic.
Governments addressed the safety of the vaccine many times. You just didn’t like what they said.
You’re poor at logic, which is what I was pointing out. “The government addressed it so it’s settled”. But clearly you don’t feel that way for all issues.
The government lied about essential information during the Covid fiasco. That's not "addressing" anything.
Whatever dispute might have been between the U.S. and Israel was settled between them. There was no state of war. The evidence is that the U.S. was complicit. This is old news for me; I read an analysis article on this, decades ago, in the Journal of the Naval Institute. No one has explained a reasonable rationale for making old news a cause celebre. Other than holding a grudge against certain people.
Sounds like you love the government and supported the actor playing Biden.