I believe we are fighting a war between good and evil. It is cosmic in scope. That is the greatest truth. If true, and I believe that it is, here is the breakdown of living people who are aware of it:
✔ Completely Asleep (90%+) – Trapped in the illusion, trusting the system. ✔ Aware of Some Corruption (5-8%) – Knows governments and corporations are corrupt but doesn’t see the spiritual war. ✔ Deep Researchers & Truth Seekers (1%) – Aware of deeper deception but may still be caught in partial narratives. ✔ Fully Awake (0.001% or fewer) – Sees the entire system: the physical, political, financial, and cosmic layers of control.
Where are you?
I wish I didn't have to be in the awake club. Because one you are you can't unsee the landscape, and it infuriates me that I'm unable to make any real change
Yesterday I was trying to Red Pill a father down the street by saying it's wrong for children to be exposed to perverted lifestyles. He responded "Wow, that's some radical thinking", "Don't let my wife hear you say that". The pendulum has swung so far to the immoral extreme, trying to bring it back to a reasonable Normalcy is seen as radical.
That’s really sad, because the father of that child thinks it’s OK. That means the percentage of likelihood that the child will be molested before they’re 18 is very high. The mother would literally allow it, she might even watch and participate an egg on. Grooming. Hopefully the father won’t allow his wife to groom his own child.
Ignorance...is bliss
To be more exact,
"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."
You are making change by being here. By speaking truth. Success is helping just one person to see. They have been entrenched for thousands of years—maybe millions. We have to wake people up—one at a time. Thanks for being part of the light.
I'm at the upper end of the 5-8%... not quite transitioned to the 1%.
My pronouns are Oh / Really.
I bet you are closer than you think. The real truth is not getting too caught up in the division and details and understanding intimately this is a spiritual battle.
Though I don't believe it is possible to be fully awake, as so much is lost or hidden. I started to awaken in the 1970's, and having let go of the intensity of training, meditating and actualizing on and off over the years I think I am re-learning and re-awakening to the vast depth of truth that lies beneath the veneer of our civilization. Being awake means being ridiculed, labeled (conspiracy theorist) or crazy, and tormented by your own ideas that you are unable to prove/disprove. There are many brave souls out there that have faced that and more. Aliens, Channeling, God, Jesus, the Bible, Government, Secret Societies, Satan, Demons, Ghosts, Angels, Near Death experiences, Souls, Psychics, remote viewing, lost History and more all come under purview. I think I'm pretty open minded and awake. I do believe their is a spiritual & cosmic war ongoing and that our government is aware and has been involved. You can believe you are totally awake and still be wrong.
Finding one's self in the tenth of a percentile faction is a life of sojourn and understood irreversible madness.
Ben fully awake since 85. Now more fully informed. Got to throw away my tinfoil hats years ago.
The obvious crimes of obama moved me from the 1% to the 0.001%. I am now positive that 2020 was Not the first Fixed election and MSM is the greatest enemy of The People in all of history.
I think moving into the realization this is a spiritual battle moves you closer to the 1%. The elites know this. They understand the battle and know of its origins—the why of it.
Probably closer to the .001% than the 1%. I think on the cosmic level but have no idea what is going on there. I think god and the devil are false so that is either going to put me above or below most people here depending on the reality. I doubt one person in one hundred thousand has true knowledge on the cosmic level,
Fully awake.