It doesn't even take propaganda. All it takes is the raising of prices for goods, services, homes, etc, while also purposely and purposefully stagnating, or in some cases lowering wages to a point where a single income family can no longer afford to survive even if they apply for govt bennies.
This was what the 70's and very early 80's was all about. I remember my mother staying home with me until I went to pre-K. She went to work until she got prego with my brother. Stayed home until he was 6 mths old, then went back to work because we could no longer afford food AND fuel. I remember my parents arguing over what to buy: food to eat, or fuel for Dad to go to work. So, she did what every other struggling family did and went back to work. And we still struggled throughout my entire youth. I even began working at 13, doing yard work, lawnscapes, and handy-man type chores around my neighborhood just so they wouldn't need to give me any money or spend anything on me.
I had a similar experience. 4 kids, we lived real simple, but even then it was a struggle on just my dad's income. Then by the late 70s it was gonna be pretty impossible, so my mom went back to work. In today's dollars my parents combined income increased to 70k more or less with mom now working. I would think the minimum for raising 4 kids now.
I think the explosion of advertising conning people to buy overpriced crap they didnt need and the feds killing the dollar, destroyed the American dream for the working class. Not many are willing to go without all the material crap, and with the necessities soo expensive it's hard to imagine a working class nuclear family surviving on just one income. Now if you are willing to not get married and work the system you might be okay. This is the choices our evil government has left far too many.
If you are making $150k like damn near everyone seems to imply , sure you can probably have the one working spouse model. Just don't assume that that's the norm, in fact that places you above 97 percent of the population. $60 k is closer to reality for most Americans. If you can make that work for a family of 6 you are doing pretty awesome and I have to assume you are living a fairly modest lifestyle or your ego is forgetting you are living in the home your parents left you mortgage free. Either way it's tough sledding for working class families.
There is an economic element to this too. If we are to believe the family in that photo is being raised by that woman then we need to realize the bread winner would need to be making $200,000+ to support them. Very few people can possibly achieve that.
I'm not sure it was any grand conspiracy to take down the family. I think it was in part just consumerism and the feds destroying the dollar. Advertising exploded in the 60s and people were conned into believing they needed all kinds of things, plus vacations plus eating out and tons of clothing. This was all foreign to us growing up, surviving for a large part of my childhood on just my dad's salary. The 6 of us lived in a 2 bedroom/ 1 bath. We had little clothing, no gadgets, never went out to eat , much less vacations. But that was the norm in our neighborhood and without the crazy marketing 24/7 we thought everyone lived this way and we were content. The shows on TV promoted simple lifestyles not crazy over the top ones.
Then the onslaught of consumerism began. We all were suppose to go on Disney vacations, every child has their own room, enormous wardrobes of name brand overpriced crap and constant eating out. It got out of hand pretty damn quickly. So you gotta decide what's truly important I guess. Maybe you can have a big family but not with modern expectations of what's necessary. My niece has every material thing under the sun and has traveled the world. You know what she doesn't have? A stay at home mom or siblings. That's often the trade off.
The whole "it takes two incomes to have a family" lie is pretty easy to reveal if you look at how the size of houses people would be satisfied with increased, and the "hidden" costs of mothers working are included in the equation (daycare, wardrobe, meals out, etc.)
OK, let's think about this. The average salary is say $60k, honestly it's probably less but I'll go high. Let's call it $5k monthly take home. Can you raise a family of six / 4 kids on $5k a month?
Hmmm, I think that's gonna depend upon what your requirements are. I'd say you have to ignore the current concept of what is necessary. And there is the dilemma, because I'd say you would have to live far below what modern expectations are. Nothing wrong with that but you have to live like its the 70s in a world that thinks annual vacations and $200 pairs of sneakers is normal.
You pegged it; people think the $200 sneaker life is what they need and should strife for. My son was able to buy a foreclosure home for $52,000? in Binghamton, NY area. He had to do some minor work on it, most notably the gas furnace, but fortunately, he knew someone who knew how to work on such things, so he only had to pay for some new fittings and such. It's a 2BR one bath place in one of the old "factory neighborhoods". He is a little unusual because he worked after college and lived like a pauper while saving money. He worked less than three years and then was offered a layoff package (same time he wanted to leave) and was able to pay cash for the house. He now has a first child and his wife doesn't work outside the house (plenty of work when you have a child at home :) ). He is working as a classroom aide in the public school system, so he isn't even making a real income, but is doing it for the health insurance coverage. I am trying to get him to start a "real" job (he has a degree in engineering!) so he can be financially stable (I don't see the minimal amount he is making now to be a long-term financial situation). Of course, having no mortgage is a big part of it, but others could do the same thing with a job that pays middle-class wages. If someone lives in an area with outrageous home prices, then they should consider a move to an affordable area. Even with a lower salary, the lower home prices in many areas would offset the lower income.
Look at the names of all the early Feminists. There was an agenda to destroy the Christian nuclear family.
It doesn't even take propaganda. All it takes is the raising of prices for goods, services, homes, etc, while also purposely and purposefully stagnating, or in some cases lowering wages to a point where a single income family can no longer afford to survive even if they apply for govt bennies.
This was what the 70's and very early 80's was all about. I remember my mother staying home with me until I went to pre-K. She went to work until she got prego with my brother. Stayed home until he was 6 mths old, then went back to work because we could no longer afford food AND fuel. I remember my parents arguing over what to buy: food to eat, or fuel for Dad to go to work. So, she did what every other struggling family did and went back to work. And we still struggled throughout my entire youth. I even began working at 13, doing yard work, lawnscapes, and handy-man type chores around my neighborhood just so they wouldn't need to give me any money or spend anything on me.
I had a similar experience. 4 kids, we lived real simple, but even then it was a struggle on just my dad's income. Then by the late 70s it was gonna be pretty impossible, so my mom went back to work. In today's dollars my parents combined income increased to 70k more or less with mom now working. I would think the minimum for raising 4 kids now.
I think the explosion of advertising conning people to buy overpriced crap they didnt need and the feds killing the dollar, destroyed the American dream for the working class. Not many are willing to go without all the material crap, and with the necessities soo expensive it's hard to imagine a working class nuclear family surviving on just one income. Now if you are willing to not get married and work the system you might be okay. This is the choices our evil government has left far too many.
If you are making $150k like damn near everyone seems to imply , sure you can probably have the one working spouse model. Just don't assume that that's the norm, in fact that places you above 97 percent of the population. $60 k is closer to reality for most Americans. If you can make that work for a family of 6 you are doing pretty awesome and I have to assume you are living a fairly modest lifestyle or your ego is forgetting you are living in the home your parents left you mortgage free. Either way it's tough sledding for working class families.
There is an economic element to this too. If we are to believe the family in that photo is being raised by that woman then we need to realize the bread winner would need to be making $200,000+ to support them. Very few people can possibly achieve that.
Yeah, let's stop blaming the women so exclusively. My dad pushed my mother to work. Let's not forget the brainwashing worked on the men, too.
Right now, the feminist movement is crumbling. Just like everything that lefties touch, they went too far and it suicided itself.
The Rockefeller empire. Demons.
Billie Jean King vs Bobby Riggs. Woman vs Man = evil propaganda bullshit.
Now Hollywood makes stuff showing several men getting whipped by I skinny girl.
Yet, in the real world, that doesn’t happen.
I'm not sure it was any grand conspiracy to take down the family. I think it was in part just consumerism and the feds destroying the dollar. Advertising exploded in the 60s and people were conned into believing they needed all kinds of things, plus vacations plus eating out and tons of clothing. This was all foreign to us growing up, surviving for a large part of my childhood on just my dad's salary. The 6 of us lived in a 2 bedroom/ 1 bath. We had little clothing, no gadgets, never went out to eat , much less vacations. But that was the norm in our neighborhood and without the crazy marketing 24/7 we thought everyone lived this way and we were content. The shows on TV promoted simple lifestyles not crazy over the top ones.
Then the onslaught of consumerism began. We all were suppose to go on Disney vacations, every child has their own room, enormous wardrobes of name brand overpriced crap and constant eating out. It got out of hand pretty damn quickly. So you gotta decide what's truly important I guess. Maybe you can have a big family but not with modern expectations of what's necessary. My niece has every material thing under the sun and has traveled the world. You know what she doesn't have? A stay at home mom or siblings. That's often the trade off.
The whole "it takes two incomes to have a family" lie is pretty easy to reveal if you look at how the size of houses people would be satisfied with increased, and the "hidden" costs of mothers working are included in the equation (daycare, wardrobe, meals out, etc.)
OK, let's think about this. The average salary is say $60k, honestly it's probably less but I'll go high. Let's call it $5k monthly take home. Can you raise a family of six / 4 kids on $5k a month?
Hmmm, I think that's gonna depend upon what your requirements are. I'd say you have to ignore the current concept of what is necessary. And there is the dilemma, because I'd say you would have to live far below what modern expectations are. Nothing wrong with that but you have to live like its the 70s in a world that thinks annual vacations and $200 pairs of sneakers is normal.
You pegged it; people think the $200 sneaker life is what they need and should strife for. My son was able to buy a foreclosure home for $52,000? in Binghamton, NY area. He had to do some minor work on it, most notably the gas furnace, but fortunately, he knew someone who knew how to work on such things, so he only had to pay for some new fittings and such. It's a 2BR one bath place in one of the old "factory neighborhoods". He is a little unusual because he worked after college and lived like a pauper while saving money. He worked less than three years and then was offered a layoff package (same time he wanted to leave) and was able to pay cash for the house. He now has a first child and his wife doesn't work outside the house (plenty of work when you have a child at home :) ). He is working as a classroom aide in the public school system, so he isn't even making a real income, but is doing it for the health insurance coverage. I am trying to get him to start a "real" job (he has a degree in engineering!) so he can be financially stable (I don't see the minimal amount he is making now to be a long-term financial situation). Of course, having no mortgage is a big part of it, but others could do the same thing with a job that pays middle-class wages. If someone lives in an area with outrageous home prices, then they should consider a move to an affordable area. Even with a lower salary, the lower home prices in many areas would offset the lower income.
Was it propaganda or was is devaluation of the dollar?