5-10 years? Fuck that shit. Gives them time to rig the next election and then have their puppet cancel the whole thing and pay them "back" for the next 4 years that they won't get their money.
Tomorrow would be the optimal time. No need to arm countries preparing to wage war against the US. That said, perhaps there are some WWII tanks, etc. that we can sell them to offset current & future imprisonment ciosts of radical leftist terrorists.
Is Europe still our ally? I doubt it with many of the countries. Therefore, we should leave NATO and let them take care of themselves, since they obviously don't appreciate what we are, and have been doing for decades.
No, Europe is not ally of the USA and has never been. They are parasites that have always leeched on backs of the American taxpayers. The USA should leave NATO and withdraw all troops from Europe as soon as possible.
Can we start closing bases and moving troops back into the US? Maybe start this weekend?
This is all stalling so the deep state can plan some FF's and get WW3 started.
Yeah, well hurry the fuck up already. I'm tired of hearing about it.....
They are seeing if they can get us into another war first. Are we stupid enough to take the bait ?
Zero. zero chances of succeeding. NATO is the US
ASAP please
How about today?
By replace, they mean ' get some other sucker with money to pay for it all'.
China might be willing to help. Probably come with some strings, but hey, EU is already on the same page.
Do it NOW!!
5-10 years? Fuck that shit. Gives them time to rig the next election and then have their puppet cancel the whole thing and pay them "back" for the next 4 years that they won't get their money.
Xactly. 5-10 days is plenty.
I'd be willing to give them ""TWO WEEKS"".....
As long as they show progress…and their work.
Please Report to your Supervisor an CC your Foreman, what ONE THING you did today to help Make NATO.....
Sorry, but I just can't take this seriously, their Nations are a Joke, and have become of No Consequence to anyone or anything.....
I could Fart in a New Mexico Bad Lands Sandust storm and it's more potent than the threat of the Whore EU Federation, or any of its Member Nations....
They have no NATO without U.S.
Tomorrow would be the optimal time. No need to arm countries preparing to wage war against the US. That said, perhaps there are some WWII tanks, etc. that we can sell them to offset current & future imprisonment ciosts of radical leftist terrorists.
Is Europe still our ally? I doubt it with many of the countries. Therefore, we should leave NATO and let them take care of themselves, since they obviously don't appreciate what we are, and have been doing for decades.
No, Europe is not ally of the USA and has never been. They are parasites that have always leeched on backs of the American taxpayers. The USA should leave NATO and withdraw all troops from Europe as soon as possible.
I only came here to:: 👀