Once 911 is revealed (officially) all the shit in the world hits the biggest fan ever imagined. All the other false flags (there are many) will only give the scope, which is very important, but I think the actual Awakening will happen with 911 declass.
What you call low effort, I and most others on this thread view as tapping into the shared frustration by many here, and providing them a place to vent their frustration.
Weβre ready, but we also know we all have a better chance of hitting the lottery on the same day.
we may have a better chance of getting bit by a shark whilst on our couch with a 5 lb bag of Cheetos and s six-pack of malt liquor!
If you're watching "Sharknado"...keep the chainsaw handy!
Point taken.
9/11 would make a good EntrΓ©e
Bon apetit!
Once 911 is revealed (officially) all the shit in the world hits the biggest fan ever imagined. All the other false flags (there are many) will only give the scope, which is very important, but I think the actual Awakening will happen with 911 declass.
Here's hoping.
Isn't Rat cliff living up to his name?
I want to believe he's as good a guy as Trey Gowdy says he is. But Gowdy was all bark and no bite. Guess we'll see.
Declas it all.
Ooo Ooo! Pick me, pick me!!!
Love it!
Im waiting for the disclosure of the TOP False FLag.
"On the NEXT episode of: America's TOP False Flag..."
117 upvotes for this low effort post? WTF people.
What you call low effort, I and most others on this thread view as tapping into the shared frustration by many here, and providing them a place to vent their frustration.
A title only? SMH
Hey. It's a free country. Believe as you like. As will I:
You appear to be a person who doesn't mind handing them a shit sandwich when you don't have to. PROVE ME WRONG.