I have a tough time in ragweed season in the northeast. My lungs were inflamed and I was short of breath for several weeks. It was fairly painful and uncomfortable.

I decided to try 6 mg of Ivermectin this morning and by noon the whole episode was over.

I’ve read Ivermectin acts like an anti inflammatory. It’s been studied on animal lungs for curing inflammatory diseases and episodes.

There’s nothing this stuff won’t do, apparently.


I went onto allday chemist and it is asking for my physician and to upload my prescription for ivermectin. I dont have one, i just wanted to buy it as a prophylactic in case we needed it.

Is there a way to side step this as my physician is a massachusetts doctor...he isnt going to give me one.

Also when buying the pills what dosage should i buy? 3 mg or 6 mg or 12mg? How often do we take it? I was hoping it might help clear up nagging issues from lung infections this year...

What horse paste did people use online?...im concerned because the pastes say they have proprietary ingredients they dont list so that was why i wanted to go the pill route.

Do you knowledgeable anons know how long it stays in the system and if it gets into breastmilk? Ive decreased breastfeeding after a year and a half so i could take during the day if its a short halflife

I went onto allday chemist and it is asking for my physician and to upload my prescription for ivermectin. I dont have one, i just wanted to buy it as a prophylactic in case we needed it.

Is there a way to side step this as my physician is a massachusetts doctor...he isnt going to give me one.

Also when buying the pills what dosage should i buy? 3 mg or 6 mg or 12mg? How often do we take it? I was hoping it might help clear up nagging issues from lung infections this year...

What horse paste did people use online?...im concerned because the pastes say they have proprietary ingredients they dont list so that was why i wanted to go the pill route.

Do you knowledgeable anons know how long it stays in the system and if it gets into breastmilk? Ive decreased breastfeeding after a year and a half so i could take during the day if its a short halflife


Had a case of the covids or flu, who knows. My cousin who also got it tested positive 3 times for covid, so that seems like some kind of confirmation. Who knows.

All I know is that I had a weird virus that I've never felt before. Weird symptoms but definitely very shitty.

Got out my ivermectin and zinc, Vit d, and Vit C and downed it on day 2 of feeling like real shit.

I honestly felt a shift one day later. It was weird. I got rapidly better. 1 day.

I did this in front of all of my brainwashed parents and siblings. They are speechless.

After I got better, I said, "See, they fucking lied to you and millions died from their lies."

They still opt for paxlovid which is poison. Ridiculous.

Either way, Ivermectin is the miracle that we all know it is. Everyone should have it in their medicine cabinets for the flu, cold, etc.

It will destroy the pharma flu/covid vaccine industry. That is why they lied about it. Fucking demons.


The outcome could have been much different - and many lives saved - if Big Pharma hadn't been so successful at suppressing this generic pharmaceutical that was found to work against COVID-19.



The clip at the end showing some pills missing had me in stitches.


() 🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼‍♂️
posted ago by TreadUponThem ago by TreadUponThem

I’m looking for a reputable site for ivermectin. Does any have any recommendations?


DH and I have Covid now. We both started taking ivermectin at the first sign of symptoms (he tested positive) anyway, we took .02 mg/kg instead of the .04 mg/kg treatment dose recommended by FLCCC just because that is what was prescribed for us.

We both felt better after the first dose and symptoms are gone feel 100% after our second dose.

I am wondering if we still need to do the full 5 days even though we both feel better?


We are also taking Vit C, Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin, Airborne, diluted iodine nose swabs, and aspirin. I also take Magnesium. My husband added NAC because he has a throat tickle cough.

Also, we opened all the windows in our house and we laid outside in the sunshine and fresh air as much as possible. We both felt a lot better being outside


I'm sick as shit, cousin tested positive for it even though those tests are sketchy,

Took ivermectin 2 nights in a row, 12mg, not noticing much of a difference, maybe even getting worse... any insights or advice?



Hi boards. I remember a while ago there was a leaked report from the DoD that said Ivermectin was curative for COVID. Anyone have that report somewhere?



Twits, Truthers, and News have all recently announced that ivermectin has been approved by the NIH for treating covid-19, one of them even boasted it was listed as a cure, not just a treatment. Is all of journalism so completely corrupt that none of them can just report truth and facts without sensationalizing and embellishing stories. These are supposed to be patriots reporting this information, well, those paytriots aren't doing us any favors its counterproductive and damaging.


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