WSJ article published Feb 10 2018 and Q post 735 post Feb 11. Could the "experimental drug" be Ivermectin? Ivermectin was developed by Japanese scientists, and the article also involved Japanese "drug maker." I don't subscribe to WSJ, so can't read the whole article. I remember this post vividly, that the cures were being released slowly....I think the whole covid mess allowed us to research all these possible treatments, which also work for cold/flu/cancer, etc. HCQ, Zine, Quercetin, artemisinin, ivermectin, fenbendazole, etc. Q Posts re: cures

Initially, I was only able to purchase Ivermectin for dogs, but I was finally able to purchase some human Ivermectin manufactured in India by Sunrise called Iversun - 12. They're dispersible tablets 12 mg, but there's no dosage information on the box.

It only says Ivermectin IP 12 mg, Excipients: Q.S. Dosage: As directed by the physician.

I don't have COVID, but I've had a mild dry cough for awhile now. Wanted to take it and give it a try.


I would like to use a cycle of Ivermectin as a preventative and was wondering from those who have used it before what dosage I should use. I’m a 200 lb male. Please let me know if you have any experience with this. Thank you!


A few weeks ago I made a post asking for prayers for a friend who was in a coma on a ventilator with Covid. I'm so thankful to be able to tell you all that he made it. Thank God! He was in the hospital in a come a for weeks. His wife had to fight to even be able to see him and the doctors didn't even know what Ivermectin is. She went to America's Frontline Doctors and got some Ivermectin and brought it with her the next time she visited. When the doctors turned around she stuffed the paste down his tracheotomy hole. Within 12 hours he had color in his cheeks again. He is now back home recovering. Ivermectin saved his life. The hospitals are committing genocide.


Hello Friends,

There’s a good chance I’ll be exposed to Covid this weekend—long story. I have the horse paste. What’s a good dosage in teaspoons for a 120 pound woman for prevention?

I’ve looked everywhere. Duck Duck Go is no longer a helpful tool.

Thank you in advance


Woke up today (after a few days of sickness) and everything smells like smoke. On the off chance it's covid, what should I take? Where can I get it? Thanks in advance.


I have seen Zelenko's Covid Ivermectin protocol in here before but can not find it now. Not sure if we should use that or something a little less in dosage? I have seen so many posts about this curing common colds (if that is what we have) that it gets confusing sometimes as to what the dosage for tablets over horse paste is? Plus if we do get the COOF it would be good to have this info on hand.

We are in Vermont and the weather changed rapidly last couple of weeks and basically I think it is just a common bug going around with weather shift. We can both smell and taste fine but from reading posts in here for the past year (she lurks every day) or so she wants to take Ivermectin for this to try it out. There is no way there are sticking graphene oxide swab up our noses for a BS covid test so we need confirmation on Ivermectin Dosage. She is 53 and weighs 145 lbs and I am 52 and weigh 190 lbs. Two kids, 16 year old 110 lbs and 18 year old 120 lbs, Both kids had a slight sore throat a few days ago and are fine now with no issues. Here is what we have in house:

6 MG Ivermectin tablets, box of 30 tablets 12 MG Ivermectin tablets, box of 100 tablets Bottles of Vitamin C 500 MG tablets Bottles of Vitamin D 1000 IU tablets Bottle of Zinc 50 MG tablets Bottle of Zinc/Quercetin Combo 22/800 Zelenko's 4 in 1 tablets, C-D-quercetin and zinc combo tablets (2 a day recommended), wife takes daily.

If anyone has the dosage info or links to any protocol please list them in the comments, and also if we take with or without food. And is there a different dosage protocol for just common bug as opposed to Covid? Just want be sure before we decide to swallow anything. Don't want to take too much, or not enough. Thanks in advance to all of you!!

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