Tried to convince her to take a dose but she's being stubborn. I'll let y'all know if I start to mutate or if I get sick.

"Unflavored" paste, has a mild amoxicillin taste to it. Went down well with a couple spoonfuls of cottage cheese.

If I manage to avoid catching whatever she has I'm definitely going to order another couple tubes.


So I wrote a post a long while back about my experience taking "horse paste." I wasn't sick at the time though so it was really just an experiment to see if it would make me sick, which it didn't, obviously (although I did shit out some worms that first go around).

Anyway, after a big weekend of partying this past week I realize Monday evening that I had some minor sniffles. I wasn't convinced yet that it wasn't from the uh...substances I had taken over the weekend though, so I went to bed and thought nothing of it.

Wake up Tuesday morning and sniffles are still there. By late afternoon it's a full blown cold. I'm blowing my nose every 5 minutes, etc. By evening I'm pretty miserable. But then I remember I have Ivermectin.

So I take twice my recommended body weight dosage of Ivermectin, a couple tablets of a Zinc/Quercetin mix, a few orange vitamin C gummies, some magnesium, and like 7 tiny pills of vitamin D, and knocked it all back.

Then I grabbed some Nyquil for the symptoms and to help me sleep, and that was that. When I woke up in the morning, sniffles were gone, and the only side effect was the normal post Nyquil grogginess. As of today (thursday) I'm all me.

I don't know about anybody else but colds tend to last me about a week, so this was a very pleasant surprise to have it cured basically overnight. Finally, a cure for something we were always told "just had to run its course."

What fun fruit rollups will they roll out with next?


Edit: she took the ivermectin. We’re confused about how often to take it though?

Sorry to be a bother, don’t have a computer and search won’t work on mobile.

I purchased 12 mg, 10 of them I think there is. Wife’s running fever for two days, got tested and just came back positive. I offered her the ivermectin to take and she asked if I’m certain about it or is it one of the conspiracy things, there’s a line she said. I told her do what she thinks is right but yes, everything I see, I’d take it.

So she’s trying to research more, she ultimately trusts me. I need some resources for her, if anyone can provide. I’m not even sure dosages or anything.

Thanks for any help!


Family member with Covid. I have both HCQ and Ivermectin. Which one would be best? Still within 48 hours of symptoms starting.


I wanted to try to clarify some of the information that's being thrown around lately. I've seen many sites and telegram posts claiming that Japan has used ivermectin and crushed covid.

Let me just say, I would be really happy if this could be proven to be true! I'm totally on team ivermectin but I think some of the news is being exaggerated or is accidentally misleading.

As far as I understand it:

  • Around Feb 2021, Haruo Ozaki, chairman of the Tokyo Metro Medical Association, said that Japan should consider using ivermectin.
  • Nothing happened, and then in August 2021, he doubled down saying "Now is the time to use ivermectin".
  • As of that time, ivermectin was authorised to be used "off label". This means that while it's not necessarily a protocol, it is allowed to be prescribed at doctor's discretion.
  • At the same time, the Japanese government is going forward with its own clinical trial to establish whether ivermectin is effective. You can find the link with mixed English/Japanese here. Notice that it still says that it's in 'Recruiting' stage.

It's quite possible that Japan HAS widely adopted off-label ivermectin use and it IS working as we all expect and hope, but I'm assuming that as it is not "officially" indicated for use for covid, Japanese mainstream media are not reporting on it, and its use is not widely known among the public.

If anyone has any more information, including disproving anything I've said, please let me know / comment below. I'm not an expert, I'm just someone who lives in Japan and has been cheering for team ivermectin for ages now.


Massive articles from MSM on Ivermectin trying to push a danger narrative and also negative press on Americans Frontline Dr’s, again, to keep the Covid narrative alive. Just go to the Goog and type ivermectin then look at all the panic news articles… Over the target…


I got a bit overeager reading all the good feedback people were having and I wanted to do too much rather than too little. Now, I am wondering if I made a mistake. Its been about 40 minutes and I report no problem so far. Should I be worried?


Just got my tube of ivermectin in today to go with the fenbendazole I got a week ago. Planning on taking doses of both this coming weekend.

From what I understand the ivermectin paste is at a .2mg/kg ratio, and having read resources that suggest .15mg/kg for individuals 84kg or more, I'm probably safe to take a dose equal to a horse of my body weight (roughly 100kg/220lbs).

The Fenbendazole paste (10% formulation) appears to be roughly twice as strong a mix per recommended dose for horse v humans. Having looked into the guy who cured his cancer with fenbendazole doses of 222mg, this mix would literally have like 11 222mg doses. Each gram of the paste counts for 100mg, and its a 25g tube.

So it sounds like I'll be taking a dose of ivermectin equivalent to about a 200-250lb horse, and 2 grams of fenbendazole paste (a dose roughly for a 100-150lb horse).

If anyone has experience, please let me know if my math is wrong or any suggestions/recommendations.

PS: both are unflavored pastes, so I'll probably have me some ice cream with it, 2 scoops.


Found this article very informative; have used along with Zelenko protocol as my guide. https://www.aestheticsadvisor.com/2021/02/hydroxychloroquine-ivermectin-quercetin.html


Obviously can't post this on the CFS or nootropics subreddits because ivermectin is censored there so I decided to post here. Has anyone who suffers from brainfog, chronic fatigue syndrome, or just general lack of cognitive utilization benefited from taking Ivermectin, regardless of covid/flu status?

Also, if you have solved your brainfog/CFS through other means, I would love to hear your methods. Modern medicine has failed me.

Also, has it helped anyone with OCD (Pure-O variant) and/or intrusive thoughts?


posted ago by BQnita ago by BQnita

I guess I need to live in a third world country to get the best treatment?

posted ago by MotherfuckinMAGA ago by MotherfuckinMAGA
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