“The strongest force in the universe is Compound Interest.”

~ Albert Einstein

"All wealth is the product of labor,"

~ John Locke

"Gold is money. Everything else is credit"

~ JP Morgan

"We Don't Pay Taxes. Only The Little People Pay Taxes"

~ Leona Helmsley

"Federal Reserve Notes are NOT money... FRNs are NOT a store of value. FRNs are a form of CREDIT, in other worlds, a form of DEBT"

~ VaccinesCauseSIDS

The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

~ Proverbs 22:7

''It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. What does it matter how much a man has laid up in his safe, or in his warehouse, how large are his flocks and how fat his dividends, if he covets his neighbour's property, and reckons, not his past gains, but his hopes of gains to come? Do you ask what is the proper limit to wealth? It is, first, to have what is necessary, and, second, to have what is enough. Farewell.''

~ Seneca

When i was a kid, i had a fascination with rich people.

I knew who Donald Trump was, by the time i was 8 years old, even though we didn't have internet, or even a TV in the home. I knew the titles to Trump's books, even thought i couldn't afford to buy his books...

I actively sought out info on rich people. i knew who all the richest people in the history of the world were,

And i knew how they got rich. too... or at least i thought i knew...

Thru their own hard work, and ingenuity, bringing honest, tangible goods and services to market, and providing customers what they need and want.

And there is some truth to that model...

However, there is always a "money man" behind any of these schemes.

An "investor" like the Rothschild banking cartel...

And not to single out the Rothschild's, since this banking clan is a merely a new face, on a very old practice.

The Rothschild's aren't the problem, per se.

The Rothschild's are merely the symptom of the problem,

And the ROOT of the problem, is USURY.

What is usury?

There are many definitions, depending on narrative spin,

but to me, "usury" is any interest rate above 0.000...%

Why so low? why zero?

Because ANY rate above ZERO, will eventually compound itself into a pile of gold bigger than the weight of the world.

And so what happens is that, over the long course of time,

the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.

So USURY is the mechanism by which ALL of the wealth of the world is transferred AWAY from those who produce it, which is, the workers of the world...

And this wealth is transferred TO "the rich",

or as i like to call them, "THE USURY CLASS"

which is of course, why they are "rich" and you are "poor"

The rich use usury, to steal the wealth of the workers of the world.

This is why USURY must be controlled.

This is why USURY must be abolished.

And the way we do this, is through a GLOBAL JUBILEE.



In Ancient times, the people understood that usury was unsustainable, and so they came up with the idea of JUBILEE, which is that every 7 years, all debts are forgiven, and all slaves are set free.

This is why your ancestors, who came to America as "indentured servants" only had to serve for so many years before they were set free.

This is why when you go bankrupt, its only held against you for 7 years.

GLOBAL JUBILEE is the actual "GREAT RESET" that the little people need.


Because by the mere flip of a coin, or twist of fate, you will either become more rich, or more poor, and which ever trajectory you are currently on, is likely the trajectory you will stay on.

the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.

and theres a good chance you are already poor.

and so not only will you become poorer, but your children will become poorer, and your grandchildren.

and the rich? their children will be even more rich, and their grandchildren even more rich...

This is why you have heard of the Rothschild family. They handed down great wealth from generation to generation.

Wealth that was originally created by LABOR, but STOLEN thru USURY.

Even your TAXES are based on USURY.

How so?

Because your governments, at all levels, BORROW money into existence, by BORROWING "money" from bankers. (Physical Gold or DEBITS and CREDITS?)

So your governments BORROW "money" AT INTEREST, with the promise to repay by taxing YOU 99 different ways.

So you can't even WORK, or LABOR in this world, without owing TAX on your LABOR.

and this TAX that is collected, goes to pay USURY to the bankers.

WHY is the government even BORROWING money at all? shouldn't your government have lots of money "in the bank" if it was being managed properly?

its just another way to extract more wealth out of the tax ranch. the tax plantation.

"End The Fed" ~ Ron Paul

Its no coincidence that the IRS and Federal Reserve came into being at the same time.

The IRS or "Internal Revenue" Service, is the enforcement wing of the Federal Reserve.

Not long ago, The Federal Reserve had been shamed into lowering interest rates to ALMOST ZERO, where they remained for many years.

Mortgage rates were more reasonable. prices were stable.

One possible/probable planned "side effect" of the COVID pandemic,

was to deliberately flood the world with easy money,

by giving masses of people way more money than they ever had earned merely by working, just to stay home during COVID,

and this causes masses of people to buy extra stuff, driving up consumer demand, and driving up prices,

and the masses of people eventually felt the effect of this, and they call it INFLATION.

what is INFLATION" ?

inflation is when they increase or INFLATE the supply of money, like you would "INFLATE" a balloon or a tire...

deflation is when they decrease of DEFLATE the supply of money, like you would "DEFLATE" a balloon or tire...

Private Banks

(Spurious Quotation) supposedly by Thomas Jefferson's Monticello Quotation:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers

in regard to the above quote,

What is a corporation?

Its a mechanism for bankers to organize labor, so that the wealth of labor can be transferred to the bankers, by way of USURY.

many CORPORATIONS, like many governments, operate on CREDIT, or DEBT.

i heard the phrase, "follow the money", and i actually did follow the money.

And you may ask yourself, how exactly does a person "follow the money"? what does that phrase even mean?

It's quite simple. take a penny out of your pocket, and ask yourself where the penny came from, and if you were to not have that penny one day, where will it have gone?

If you spend the penny on penny candy, you understand that you will have to give up the penny to the clerk, and in exchange, you will get a piece of candy...

and once you eat that piece of candy, its gone forever, unless you can figure out how to market your own manure...

and once that penny goes in the cash drawer, it is put together with all of the other pennys, and other coins, and paper money.

maybe that penny is handed back to the very next person in line, as change?

but since the cash drawer will always be pulling in bigger bills, in exchange for smaller bills, and coins, as "change", its these bigger bills that we need to follow, in order to follow the money...

reach in your pocket, and take out a $100 bill ( Federal Reserve NOTE)

oh, you don't have a $100 bill in your pocket? Why not?

how much money do you have on you right now?

the truth is, unless you have actual GOLD in your possession, you don't have any money at all.

most people, live most of their lives, without ever even touching actual money.

what they touch instead, are various forms of CREDIT, such as,

Federal Reserve Notes - Dollar Bills

Debit and Credit Cards


Direct Deposit

what even is "CREDIT"?

credit is an accounting term.

it simply means "The Right Column"

and "The Left Column" is called "DEBIT"

You can remember which is which, by remembering "D-C", as in Washington DC.

D on the left, C on the right.

If you are intrigued by these concepts... GOOD!

so, what is the actual difference between using a DEBIT card, and a CREDIT card?

Accounting 101 should be required course at any college or university.

This alone would create an economic and cultural revolution among the little people.

And even that (supposedly copper) penny in your pocket, isn't even real copper. its just some worthless material with a copper-colored coating.

This is called "DEBASEMENT",

And its been a problem since long before Emperor Nero debased the currency in his own realm.

Look at the edge of a dime or a quarter. Its a sandwich is worthless materials, that appear to be silver in color on the outsides.




JP Morgan said "GOLD is Money, and everything else is CREDIT"

so lets expand on that a little...

i say that SILVER is also money,

and also other precious metals, like Platinum or Copper

and also, whenever you hear the word CREDIT, always add the word DEBIT, and vise-versa.

get in the habit of saying "Debits and Credits" together as one phrase, one concept, instead of saying either word independently, without mentioning the other word...

this will get you in the right mindset

The Money Masters - Full Documentary - by Bill Still


this documentary should be required at in every college and university,

and also MUST WATCH for all the anons reading this post.

this video gives the listener a very good baseline understanding of money,

and once you understand how money, and debits and credits work, then you will be in a better position to do something about it, collectively.

things like... joining a credit union.


We Sell Our Hours For Dollars.




() 🔍 Notable
posted ago by truthawakening ago by truthawakening



Yes it's wise, if you live in a system like ours, to buy gold and silver as a hedge against hyperinflation (which is likely coming soon enough to justify buying some now), but from my understanding there's no way physical gold and silver can meet the needs of a global economy long term. There just isn't enough of it. If you want to peg the dollar to gold you can. It's worked before. But it's not necessary. We don't have booms and busts because our dollars aren't pegged to gold or because they aren't technically worth the money they're printed on. All that matters is that it's printed by our government (not as debt) and is legal tender for the payment of taxes and all public and private debts.

Unless someone here can explain how "Money Masters" is wrong about all that?



Here's my attempt to summarize his beliefs (please correct it if it's wrong):

It is a sin for people to lend at interest - things like interest on credit card purchases, car loans, student loan, and mortgages, are considered to be sinful for the lender who lends and expects interest back on the loan, because they are not producing anything and so to take such interest is a kind of theft.

The thief who takes such gains at interest is bound to pay back what was stolen (but is in justice entitled to the principal or the thing or amount loaned if they lawfully possessed it).

The borrower does not sin if they take a loan at interest of necessity: a poor student who must take a student loan to get an education may do so without sin (although it might be worth asking the question if it is possible to fund education without having to take on such loans at interest).

It is lawful to be a landlord and make money from renting things since one owns those things and provides a tangible good or benefit.

It is lawful to make money from investments, since one is a part owner of such a company and such companies produce value.

Not covered in the text: it may be a sin to invest in companies who openly promote sin like "woke" companies, because of one's cooperation with the sin as a part owner of the company (saw another article mention "material" versus "proximate" cooperation in others' sins, does anyone have any input on this?)

Covered but mentioning it for emphasis: The Christian ideal seems to be the opposite of usury, which is to lend without expecting interest nor the principal (what was loaned) to be paid back: "But love ye your enemies: do good, and lend, hoping for nothing thereby: and your reward shall be great, and you shall be the sons of the Highest; for he is kind to the unthankful, and to the evil." (Luke 6:35) It would be lawful however to ask for what was loaned back though - one is not bound to lend without expecting anything back, but this is an ideal to strive towards beyond what is required in strict justice - this is "going the extra mile" morally.


We could “drain the swamp”

We could “arrest the cabal”

And if we left USURY in place,

The cabal, and the swamp, would be back in business without missing a beat.

The cabal, and the swamp, were able to gain power and influence thru usury.

Usury is the charging of money, for the use of money

Usury is legally defined as charging more interest than is allowed BY LAW.

Jimmy Carter deregulated usury, because poor people needed more DEBT.

Usury has an insatiable appetite, and it always starts slow, turns a corner, and “goes asymptote”, or as they say “to the moon”

Right now we are in the vertical asymptote part of the curve, which is the part just before the big crash.

The crash will happen. That is a certainty.

But how we react to that crash, will be the legacy we leave our children

We NEED to outlaw USURY, at any rate.

All money is to be lent at 0.00% interest.

Any interest rate above 0.00% is a felony punishable by 5 years in prison.

USURY is the way that “the man” skims all of the wealth off of the working people.

ALL WEALTH is derived from LABOR.

And yet, the laborers hardly have anything!

Where does the wealth go?

The wealth is taken from the worker, in the form of income taxes on his paycheck.

Those income taxes go to pay USURY, which is the interest on the so-called “national debt”

The federal income tax was put into place around 1913, which is the same time the Federal Reserve and IRS came into existence.

They had to pass the 16th CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT in 1906 to be able to tax the US workers


The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.

We need to repeal the 16th amendment, or better yet, amend the amendment, to specifically FORBID the US Congress from having the power to lay or collect taxes on incomes, from whatever sources derived...

Wealth is “redistributed” from the worker, to the bank, in the form of USURY.

The worker pays interest on a mortgage, and interest on a car loan, and interest on credit cards, and interest on student loans,

The worker pays USURY when he pays property taxes on his home, if that money goes to pay interest on bonds.

The USURY of the Federal Reserve is the mechanism by which the Rothschild and Rockefeller et al took over control of the US government, and the American people.

Some of you don’t remember, but back in 2008 there was a HUGE banking crisis,

And at that time, the bankers ‘metaphorically’ held a gun to Nancy Pelosi, and the bankers demanded something like $700Billion in taxpayer money. When asked about how they came up with that number, Pelosi replied that “they needed a really big number”


At that time, USURY had already run its course, and was on the verge of collapse,

The bankers frantically tried to ‘correct’, by lowering the USURY rate down lower, and lower, until it was almost at 0%

The reason the bankers kept lowering the rate, was because the internet kept talking about USURY.

So by lowering the interest rate to near 0%, the bankers were able to take USURY debate off the table, while remaining in power, playing the long game.

Recently, the Federal Reserve has been raising interest rates, because, paraphrase, they merely wanted to set interest rates to be closer to where they have traditionally been.

“Traditionally”, interest rates have been used to skim the wealth from the working people.

The Federal Reserve doubled interest rates!

And then, the Federal Reserve doubled interest rates again!

We are still paying interest on the debts incurred to fight World War 1, and World War 2, and every other conflict up to today.


We buy wars on credit.

“Nothing can stop what is coming”

what is coming, is a super crash.

But the people, the usurers, who are responsible for the crash, of course will want to remain in power after the crash. They have become accustomed to the lifestyle, and will do anything to maintain that lifestyle.

USURY is how they all came to power,

And ABOLISHING USURY is how they will be permanently removed from power.

End The Fed

End The IRS

Abolish Usury



Just discovered this book and started reading it. Thought I'd share for those who are interested in this topic.
