The WEF's Cyber Attack Simulation: Part 1


The WEF's Cyber Attack Simulation: Part 2


youtube search results


rumble search results are oddly bad...



please take a moment to learn the back story on cyber polygon,

and then pass along what you learn, so that others may also learn...




Good video breakdown on the hack https://youtu.be/wipqrVzSeb4

Cyber Polygon is the Event201 for the "coming cyber pandemic" https://archive.ph/QQCdw

Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot Cyber Polygon [Event 201] Cyber COVID Cyber Plandemic WEF faggot



in a totally unrelated coincidence,

Police response training planned but bombs hit first...

Last fall a slew of agencies including Boston Police and the police departments, the Coast Guard, and the MBTA joined forces to confront a simulated armed bank robbery









I believe this Russian IT firm has, back on July 8th, successfully carried out a live war game of a simulated routing infrastructure attack on Rogers, a major Canadian ISP provider. This might be the perfect scenario in which another major cyberattack orchestrated by this firm might could then be blamed on the Russian military as this firm is located in Moscow. Does any other anon think this same thing? Here is a link to an article on the Russian cyber security firm's Website


Was that supposed to start on the 8th of July ??

() 🔍 Notable
posted ago by Zeitreise ago by Zeitreise
posted ago by Zeitreise ago by Zeitreise
() 🏳️ FALSE FLAG 👮
posted ago by Zeitreise ago by Zeitreise
() 🏳️ FALSE FLAG 👮
posted ago by Zeitreise ago by Zeitreise
() 🧠 Memory Hole 🕳️
posted ago by Zeitreise ago by Zeitreise

First off, i will admit, im not good at this. I recognise comms and symbolism but have trouble putting the picture together still. This is more my imagination working overtime and perhaps i ended somewhere interesting in a sci fi kinda way. Events since @supertots 355 thread the other day, have been weaving themselves together in my brain. Probably way off target but it kinda just felt right when it finally clicked. So, in 355, 4 women in an alliance of glabal gov agencies try to keep crazy "weapon" out of the wrong hands. Then Khazikstan goes craazy over "gas prices" - cost of energy. Clearly staged. Good justification for an increased military presence. DS protecting something? Like a weapon. Maybe something to generate a massive EMP to usher in Cyber Polygon. Were the good guys making a move to secure the "weapon"? Maybe the gas prices thing means it's not a weapon but an energy source. Then this morning, ibthought, What if Nur-Sultan is the "weapon"? Analysis of the buildings and site shows the symbolism and geometry we see in DC and other sites around the world. Is it part of a network or does it work on it's own? Maybe it's the centre of 5G/vax/mind control. Hologram projector for the alien invasion? Were the bad guys using the military to bring in a final key component of the construction? Today Trudeau is talking about an alliance between western states against "china" which is a big switch for him. What "western states" is he talking about? Also, theres a lot of talk about asteroids these days and movie trailer for "Moonfall" about some magnetic anomaly causing the moon to fall and destroy earth. What happens if Nur-Sultan gets switched on at the same time as the new, supercharged CERN?

posted ago by skanon ago by skanon

Now they blame "wrong update of BGP protocol". https://www.theverge.com/2021/10/4/22709260/what-is-bgp-border-gateway-protocol-explainer-internet-facebook-outage



Remember cyber polygon scenario: malicious update done by hackers.

Why it is important ? In short it is worse than DNS because it is communication layer between internet subnets. And subnets are for example networks of our internet providers.It looks more critical than DNS as DNS are just changing numbers to domains,but BGP is about what way the messages will be sended.

If they would take control over BGP we can be in deep shit if they would like turn it down.

Migrations: probably steganography or other covert communication if they will leave only controlled servers.

Maybe also some anonymous networks,it depends how their routing works.




Bill Gates is a terrorist, and needs to be arrested, tried, and convicted for his heinous crimes.

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