I’d done some digging in Patents and Trademarks database and found some ™ registered to someone in Florida for “Patriot Party” as far as political organization and activism that seem to be current and valid. Hopefully they are an ally.
uspto[dot]gov - for anyone interested in checking it out. Easy to search.
But frankly this is probably better posted over at Patriots.win rather than here.
Looking forward to it. I’m a fan of stand-up, but P Oswalt not so much. There is a VERY definitely political division in the stand-up world, and it seems to tie in VERY closely with the horrible side of Hollywood and those that support it and those that fight it. Kill Tony is an interesting phenomenon.
Here’s a fresh link, anon.
I’ve been browsing NEW so long today, I’d forgot what something interesting looks like.
I would however suggest a transfer to streamable[dot]com or another suitable re-hosting site instead of google.
No apology necessary. Suggestions on future posts: I generally go with a text post instead a link post. Explain the situation, insert link to video (or relevant data) in the text post. This way you can convey more data, and multiple references.
Totally made up example:
Patton Oswald killed JFK and Q proves it.
Link to video (on streamable[dot]com not YouTube) of short tubby comedian on the grassy knoll with ham sandwich launcher
Looks obvious to me, but someone who specializes in ham sandwich assassinations could tell us more.
Link to Q drop where he says “Gen Patton Makes Ham For JFK [CHOKE] Q”
And then you can talk about how Marilyn Monroe changed her shoes at least 3 times a day.
To clarify: I watched two video streams from different perspectives. It’s obviously snowing in one of them, so temp is near or below 32ºF. White “smoke” is steam. Would be significantly darker if anything was actually burning.
I’m convinced... that anyone who believes the shoe change is significant has never had a serious relationship with an adult female. This theory alone is easier to believe than the idea that some shoe change by Jill has pulled the curtain back on a “fake inauguration”.
I believe that Biden is a corrupt, criminal, career politician, and the uniparty machine, backed by the CCP, has installed him in the Oval Office. But I don’t think his wife’s wardrobe is part of the problem.
I’ve seen some entertaining arguments that the moon landings were faked, all the space station stuff is photoshopped, and we’ve never left the atmosphere of Earth. After seeing this, I’m 100% convinced we have a fully functional space station and landed on the moon. If this is the best photoshop they could have done with Bernie, it’s a 3 out of 10 at best. In fact, I’m now greatly concerned that we don’t have enough qualified grafixfags in Space Force. Probably because most of us couldn’t pass the drug test and/or physical.