I think it’s the mentality of the spoiled, demented bitch babies not getting their way after becoming accustomed to everyone catering to their every needs. Elon, who is smarter and wealthier, is telling the bitch babies to SUCKIT.
At this point we need to be concerned about the republicans, lead by bitch McConnell and lovesboys Graham, giving Trump the nomination. The Republican Party is not our party…..yet. If you are too blind to see that it’s been stolen then YOU are part of the problem and YOU are not awake! In 2016, it was the demoncraps trying to block Trump at every stop along the way. This time it starts NOW with the Republicans trying to block Trump. Keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground. Look at Fox News right now….leading story is DeSantis at a GOP event…..5 stories down you will find Trump’s announcement. Some of you idiots call this post dooming while the awake and informed call this reality. Reality is the foundation of a plan. WAKE THE FUCK UP!
My best guess is that they thought the algorithm used on the machines was good enough to win. They never expected the turnout. He beat the algorithm. Never have they stop counting universally in key states at the same time as happened in 2020. “They” were NOT going to let him beat the machines again..”they” were better prepared with mail-in ballots. Now we have a new norm of taking days, weeks if not months to count. Where does that happen? That’s right, key races!
Here is a link to the video that has been cut….read along with the transcript above https://www.brighteon.com/02aed239-37d4-4400-aea9-eaff5416e763
The concern is that the “waiting” allows us to continue falling deeper in the hole. At some point, you’re too deep to get out. I have some hope left; however, it’s dwindling by the day. The question is, has this all been a psyop to keep us under control until we are completely surrounded and have no hope of victory? What we’re being asked to do is “trust them” when we have no idea who “them” is…meanwhile, all the leverage we may have had is dwindling away to nothing.
This…. https://www.auricmedia.net/svali-illuminati-defector-disappeared-6-months-after-this-interview/ will scare they shit out of you when you realize how large and strong “they” are. Be sure to read the transcript if you watch the video…some parts were cut out of video.
You think the “big reveal” will happen in our lifetime? Time is running out. By time I mean (1) we will never win another election (2) statute of limitations (3) hope and “respect” is being lost (4) isolation from friends and family (5) businesses ruined (6) educational system ruined….should I go on?
How does Trump find honest and trustworthy people for the “new party” when he couldn’t even find them for his administration? Remember, Trump helped Mitch the Bitch and Lovesboys Graham get re-elected. How does a 3rd party help? Let me ask ole’ Ross Perot!
It’s DECLAS time or I’m jumping ship! All of the politicians swore to protect from foreign and DOMESTIC enemies…..we’ve patiently waited long enough. It’s time to expose and eliminate the RATS. I can’t help but think that we’ve been played….and I know I’m not alone!