It's actually quite sad that they can't confine the public to know what the CIA is.
I mean, is it that hard for people to believe? Everyone knows what the CIA is. But the pride of people, in Western countries in general (CIA is not alone..) especially does who seem to need people in the public to have a slave-like relation to power and government (people in the military) seem it is "such hard news".
I think this is hardest on those who have an almost religious view of society and country. And those are those who follow orders and feel pride in doing so.
I mean people's take on this just shows how the CIA and other rouge groups have been able to get away with it because we tend to put these wrongdoers on a pedestal because of Hollywood programming. "are we the bad guys?" Me: "Everyone has been.."
Still to have blind faith in institutions and "traditions" (corruption) is of course a choice.
It's supposed to depict the sun cross. And for the muggles: Supposed to reference their origins in aircraft production.
Sveriges landskap skiljs åt dramatiskt när det kommer till en del punkter är jag rädd.
I will remember it as we move on.
Does who will be free from work are those who DESERVED it. And they will start on another level of reality.
The world people know is not even 1% of what is available in terms of experience. Still, most people need to grow, slowly and keep on their soul journey.
Still, most people who have the riches will spend them on the public in means of reconstruction. If people are awake, they should know they have been slaves in a meaningless routine of lies and false science. And if people want to continue like that (9-5) no one will stop you, they will even welcome it. Because we need a workforce still, and most people are not cut for the big leagues.
If money is a great need in terms of consciousness, a lot of money would be a doom for many. It would control them and it would become their God. Hence those who will create big riches from the cabal on a personal level did it by their own understandings. No handouts. Still, people will have maybe 10k a month no matter what work. And people probably won't have to work more than 30-40 hours a week. Or more if they like.
But to think that no one will work? Do you think your military would do that? Lol.
The money people receive is actually the people's money THEY have stolen since ancient times. Still, to many as I said, money is a position, the only thing they can define life with. Hence it has to be controlled like everything else as we transition.
What people should aim for no matter their status is knowledge and raise in awareness and vibration.
GESARA/NESARA was as it origins a cabal setup, but the white hats took over that project along with a lot of other things.
If you didnät understand they have a plan after they crash this economy you need to sit down and think about it logically. What's the point to free you if the military is going to keep you in the cabal-slave matrix?
Stop viewing yourself as a money slave to the cabal. You have the holy spirit inside you, And it was never meant for us to live in this shitty existence.
I just hold my breath until you stop excusing slavery of people with the "wrong" skin color.
A stain is better to stand for and admit instead of excusing it. No civilization in service of God uses slaves. It's that simple.
I don't say people of today is at fault. But to excuse the actions of the past with what we all know just because the democrats are playing on it is just wrong. The democrats are satanic nazis and always have been. This has never been about politics.
Poliitcs is an illusion for weak-minded, fearful sheep. Always will be. Its about the slavery of man.
What if Americans would stop excusing slavery of black people because they cant stand for what their ancestors did nor how they viewed people with different skin colors?
The idea of excusing slavery and the British empire makes me sick. The Tribe of Dan , the house of the serpent has raped this world since the days of old. Thye sacrifice children to Moloch, as the Vikings always have. They are Nazirites. They view most of the world as animals and themselves set apart.
We live inside their satanic system. Stop excusing it because of your idea of a master race. The US military did in the 40s and 50s and we saw how that went Completly played.
At the turn of the tide! Thanks mate.
Sum of all fears.
Thx man. Good to be back.
They ARE Vikings..Look at the American flag. Same with the British east indian company flag.
And yes. I am smarter than most on this board and the commoners overall.
You see, the information your military have done their best do classify from the public’s Eye..That knowledge was mainstream in my local community before your country even existed.
So yea, I don’t need to have blind trust in people of “authority” as some need to.
And if people don’t want to wake up that’s their choice.
The GA is not a fucking club you idiot.
You need wars and conflicts beacuse that’s the only reality you understand.
And this is a movie. You would have understood so if you had followed the Q posts and the decodes.
And yes I don’t need a weapon to defend a country built on lies.
Death is a illusion.
If you panic and look for protection from God you are still hard asleep.
This is a scare event.
You have not done your homework. You need to ascend man. This world, all wars. It’s all a lie.
People are “dead” since birth. You have nothing to lose.
Yes i have been to war the greater part of my life mr American ranger rick.
And there will be no open conflict. That’s just the shit they use on the sheep to fool you in to sumbmission and false praise.
Death is a journey away from this planet. Pitty those who are left behind.
Death is an illusion that only exists here. As well as religions and the illusion of “old age”.
You should ask the officers in your navy about that..if it doesn’t jeopardize “NAT SEC”..
Yea and I’m loving it.
I’m going to enjoy every second of it when they think it’s Armageddon.
The problem is that the retarded normies don’t want to know the truth beacuse deep inside most of them are as shitty as the cabal.
They never had to listened to anything in their life.
The great awakening shows clearly how a certain group of people have had an easier stay in this society of evil. Beacuse they are part of its fabric.
They never learn.
They just come in her and panic as scared children.
What part of ”you are watching a movie” don’t you understand.
They want to scare the shit our of a retarded m, spoiled western public globally so this shit never happens again and people think for themselves.
Just let them go. Stop feel that you have to convince low consciousness people who are not developed enough to reach your level of awareness.
The end won’t be for everyone for that very reason.