May I please ask you, Sir...have you ever been to war? Are you a currently serving or have you ever served in the military?
Nato is holding a meeting in preparation for declaring war. Whether you believe this is a movie or not, real lives will be lost. If it is another world war, we are talking about MILLIONS of lives lost.
Whether this is Armageddon or not does not matter. To say you are loving the fact that WW3 is on the brink is crazy.
It's going to be biblical. I'm certain many people will die, and this will be the point that has been mentioned in prophecies where people will fill stadiums and arena's looking for the protection of GOD.
What part of ”you are watching a movie” don’t you understand.
They want to scare the shit our of a retarded m, spoiled western public globally so this shit never happens again and people think for themselves.
Yea and I’m loving it.
I’m going to enjoy every second of it when they think it’s Armageddon.
I just hope that the electricity is still on, because I have a shitload of popcorn to pop.
I have wood and propane. Everyone should have backups to their backups now.
q 2615 ;)
protected by a "Black Eye"
Fire + cast iron + tin foil + butter = campfire jiffy pop.
We'll be just fine fren!
I will updoot you...I just don't want to disturb the 17 updoots it wrong to be superstitious?
I'm with you.
Straight from dancing with the stars and married at first sight to nuclear Armageddon for the smooth-brain normie.
Fuck them.
Exactly can’t wait for the precipice. Tired of being in purgatory. Ready for normies to lose their shit.
May I please ask you, Sir...have you ever been to war? Are you a currently serving or have you ever served in the military?
Nato is holding a meeting in preparation for declaring war. Whether you believe this is a movie or not, real lives will be lost. If it is another world war, we are talking about MILLIONS of lives lost.
Whether this is Armageddon or not does not matter. To say you are loving the fact that WW3 is on the brink is crazy.
Yes i have been to war the greater part of my life mr American ranger rick.
And there will be no open conflict. That’s just the shit they use on the sheep to fool you in to sumbmission and false praise.
Death is a journey away from this planet. Pitty those who are left behind.
Death is an illusion that only exists here. As well as religions and the illusion of “old age”.
You should ask the officers in your navy about that..if it doesn’t jeopardize “NAT SEC”..
And if people don’t want to wake up that’s their choice.
The GA is not a fucking club you idiot.
This is a scare event.
You have not done your homework. You need to ascend man. This world, all wars. It’s all a lie.
People are “dead” since birth. You have nothing to lose.
It's going to be biblical. I'm certain many people will die, and this will be the point that has been mentioned in prophecies where people will fill stadiums and arena's looking for the protection of GOD.
Death is a illusion.
If you panic and look for protection from God you are still hard asleep.
I always pictured every clown in America activating at the same time and roaming the neighborhoods. Clowns suck.