I'd celebrate internally. My normies would never get it so I'd have to stay quiet. They think he's good.
Deeprootsathome blog is recommending nicotine patches to help overcome symptoms. She's been anti jab from the beginning but same as you still has ongoing issues since being sick a couple years ago. The patches are helping. Something about the spike protein targeting nicotinic-receptors in addition to ACE2 receptors.
Ran into a neighbor in the grocery store todY and the woman's health has obviously deteriorated immensely since last summer. Shuffling gait seemed a bit confused tremors. I can only guess the cause.
Thankfully I found an organic a2/a2 dairy and I'm gonna start getting all my dairy from them on herd share.
Gag. This kind of stuff is sickening especially since they don't disclose to the consumer.
The chemicals in regular sunscreen, when exposed to the sun cause mutations in skin cells causing cancer! This is why as more people have been convinced to use sunscreen skin cancer rates have e skyrocketed. Some mineral based ones are OK for occasional use but best option is to avoid sun in heat of the day or cover up with fabric if you are prone to burn.
Same with flu tests I'd venture. I roll my eyes when people tell they have x virus based on some test.
I need to try his towels. I love the sheets, flannel sheets, pillows and body pillows and mattress toppers.
I it's all the jabs and toxins in our food and environment. It's definitely engineered.
The inner spiritual knowledge I believe is key. I don't swallow what any human says without first evaluating its authenticity, veracity, logic etc. I don't swallow what faith leaders say, definitely not politicians and never scientists. Msm, social media, . . .the propaganda is so thick but with spiritual discernment and a willingness to dig for truth one will likely come up with the correct response. Also do NOT live in fear, "for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind."
And the deaths are just starting I would venture.
I agree. They will as will we for what we do.
It is. This "pharmakia" is just that sorcery. And they have used Christian preachers and missionaries fron the very beginning to spread their vaccine sorcery. Increase and Cotton Mather helped with smallpox as did Jonathsn Edward's (he died from the smallpox inoculation sorcery) and I've read about missionaries in various parts of the world who have been used to get the native populations to comply with jabs by taking them themselves (one in India--can't remember the name off the top of my head--later died from the jabs he pushed on the natives and he knew it)
Country kids in IN are pretty based for the most part.
Over the whole covid debacle I remember my hubby saying that he could justify giving and taking of bribes from Scripture. Yet even a cursory reading makes it clear that bribery is wrong. He was almost duped into the jabs as well and swallows most msm garbage without discernment and views the truth as conspiracy theories that are just stupid. And very pro Ukraine anti Russia. At least he didn't take the jabs because some of the podcasts he listens to finally came out against them. It's painful to watch the lack of discernment
Exactly. Following false teachers is rampant because most people don't really know their Bible. They are unable to compare what they hear (heresy) with truth. They are not like the Bereans who tested even what the apostle Paul taught against Scripture to verify truth.
I know so many professing believers from my old circle of friends who also demonstrated zero discernment. Many guit tripped young family and friends into taking the jabs. One I've heard about now has a niece paralyzed from the Waist down from her jab and another 25 yo niece who has lost all her extremities and may still die from whatever it was (I'd venture jabbed) but regardless she's had so many transfusions now she for sure is jabbed. A dear friend lost her 38 yo perfectly healthy husband to turbo cancer 18 months ago (I can only assume jabbed). And I agree, the Holy Spirit was never confused about the origins and consequences for taking the jabs. Those who are true believers should have seen through the scam, seen the lies. I don't think it's "the mark of the beast" but it's still certainly a satanic mark and countless "Christians" took it without hesitation.
No problem. It is my Mother in law specifically but her daughter and her daughters teens took the jabs as well. Zero discernment. My MIL also regularly donates blood and has the entire time inspite of the fact I told her just being around her makes us sick.
I'm going to a biblical church who didn't buy any of the lies and neither did the people. She goes to a church with a male pastor who believed all the lies and preached them from the pulpit and even arm twisted congregants with "scripture" who were against the jabs.
My MILs pastor preached the jab gospel, the mask gospel, all the lies and she bought them all.
Sorry but The Grahams have always been false gospel folk. They do some good but far more damage than good with their easy believe-ism finney style alter calls with zero regeneration and change noted in most who make professions. Most, I'd venture, in my former circles were deceived and also became pawns of evil to distribute this evil amongst the church.
I don't know about several but the current Joe is very obviously not the Joe of the past. When was he replaced?? No idea. I've read all sorts of ideas on that. His signature is totally different too, fwiw.
He's right
One of my desr friends who just came home from Germany after years as a missionary there died suddenly 4 days ago. I can imagine why. We had been back to fairly regular communication just prior to her death and while she was older she seemed perfectly healthy.