These guys are just run of the mill perverts who thought they were being invited by sexually desirous young girls, it's a categorically different thing from abusing a young child that you incidentally came in contact with. The age of consent is 14 in Austria, a first world European nation. Is pedophile sex legal in Austria? Honestly I consider homosexual activity more depraved than meeting up with a young teenage girl.
I think that because society nowadays is permissive of extreme sexual debauchery, all the pent up need to enforce standards of propriety are taken out on this particular form of pervert, and quite frankly it's out of proportion.
Answered 1 here:
End of #1538:
Attack POTUS Foundation (acting NY AG (told)).
CF Foundation [Nightmare Awake] [slush fund / children].
Claim: Politcal attack re: case against POTUS.
POTUS & Russia.
HRC Hussein etc & Russia.
Claim: Political attack re: case against POTUS.
The "pattern" is:
Trump adversaries make accusation
In reality, they are guilty of their own accusations
Adversaries accuse POTUS of working with Russia. Reality is, HRC & Clinton are working with Russia
The relevance here I believe is that it has some measure of disruption to their ability to respond in a detrimental way, but again perhaps this isn't so important and the main thing is that Biden is removed from action
For what it's worth, I interpret that as genuine irritation that Trump would make that joke (I thought it was funny). He's a very squared away, straight and narrow guy, and often shows contempt for what he perceives to be racism.
On the other hand, he has made negative comments about Trump in interviews that I am confident are entirely contrived to throw people off his role.
I actually don't believe that if it's one of the most important days in American history, it will be about any announcement of his. If this really is it, then that means mobilization of some kind. If anything (always with the qualifications), it will be centered around election fraud in the midterms.
I believe Milley is playing a character, and that the "apology" for accompanying Trump was, as they say, "part of the show".
He sat in front of Congress and said he wanted to understand white rage. Also "personally I find it offensive that anyone would suggest our military is woke". Hilarious line.
This schizo man Terry Davis said it first and it caught on
There were 4chan threads on this that went hundreds of replies and NOBODY COULD PROVIDE FOOTAGE despite having footage of the taxi speed, and the supposed falling man.
In other words, the footage that would be hardest to fake (people holding on when it's going 300 km/h then takeoff) doesn't appear to exist.
Here's your proof: I'm just some guy and I could make a reddit bot that spews any kind of propaganda I want. I could even make it understand context and know how to reply to people.
There is 100% chance that someone out there had this idea and actually did it. What do you think are the chances state actors might want in too? needs to be looked into. This is the address that Mcafee gives in his tattoo tweet. "dex" meaning decentralised exchange, i.e blockchain. I presume that they were selling the WHACKD tokens there?
We can't be simply cynical about a social media guy using Q to catch peoples eye, because the damn token is a reference to being fake suicided.
Child molesters belong to that category that records the most evil people on earth. We should not confuse the matter by pretending to equate their crime with that of sleeping with a young woman who has gone through puberty but is barely below the (arbitrarily) set age of consent. If you can say "it's okay if it happened in Australia", it's not child rape.
Quantum computing can in fact only offer an improvement in speed, given what is understood about the fundamental underlying physics. There is no algorithm a quantum computer can run that the computer you are using to read this cannot:
The state of the art quantum computers you can find at university labs are completely and utterly useless compared to classical computers, with the exception of extremely contrived problems (
I swear this quantum computer nonsense is shilling designed to make Q followers look like they just accept things at face value. The only apparent advantage a quantum computer has over a classical computer is a theoretical (asymptotic, worst case) speedup on some classes of algorithms. A classical computer can simulate a quantum computer, i.e perform the exact same computations. And like I just said, the best quantum computers cannot get a real speedup on almost any problems. There is no super secret quantum research and engineering group that is twenty years ahead of everyone else, because it is a monumental effort of design and engineering and iteration that no single Einstein could do on his own.
I think it's part of the show. Look at them: Their role is to "deny the enemy freedom of action in the information environment".
As soon as I saw "child kidnapping" I presumed it was a child custody thing. If it was anything else, you would hear that instead.