Aborigine 0 points ago +1 / -1

Good thing DC was set up as Non-State Territory (foreign )

Kinda like** Vatican ** or** The City of London ** (NOT London)

Aborigine 0 points ago +1 / -1

Meteor yes.

Counterclockwise like the planets and rings of Saturn. Egyptians worshiped Seth their name for Saturn.

(Venus clockwise)

Aborigine 1 point ago +2 / -1

Wouldn't want them in trouble.

Aborigine 0 points ago +1 / -1

I hope the Chinese did't hack the Zoom and then release it all to the nation.

Could prove to be embarrassing. Like they thought President Trump's calls would.

Hopefully we can decide for ourselves. Thanks in advance China.

Aborigine 12 points ago +13 / -1

Can the religious remain GOD fearing longer than the government can keep 200 riot police at a church?

Will be fun to find out. Peace be upon you all.

Aborigine 0 points ago +1 / -1

Incorporating the old 'religious' forms into the new practice is how we all are led astray. Change the meanings of words or practices to fit the new narrative.

Evil always acts as the trickster or deceiver . It doesn't want anyone thinking too much finding truth and avoiding lies/evil.

Know why they circle the Black Obelisk in Mecca COUNTERCLOCKWISE ?

Aborigine 0 points ago +1 / -1

Reports of variants have exploded. Fear Porn?

And I agree that the vaccinated population will likely react differently than unvaccinated when challenged in the future by similar corona viruses. Just as have all the animal test subjects in prior attempts to create vaccines to the common cold (corona viruses). Even when the viruses are** less virulent **the vaccinated test subjects often had severely negative reactions to subsequent challenges.

Thus vaccine potentiated reaction rather than attenuating reaction as in most vaccines. Remember Fauci paid for Gain of Function research at Wuhan. Appears they may have succeeded.

Aborigine 0 points ago +1 / -1
  • “First they ignore you.

  • Then they ridicule you.

  • And then they attack you and want to burn you.

  • And then they build monuments to you,”

We are now entering the 3rd stage, soon to be the last.

Aborigine 6 points ago +7 / -1

War is real.

Like all **GANGS **--competing for money ,Territory, power.

But discovering the meaning of "Lose lips sink ships" is always an expensive lesson for the loser.

But 400 million guns & a trillion rounds of ammunition in the hands of 200+ million people fighting for their homes, children and grand children with the help of God. That gives every leader reason to pause.

Why do you think the communist democrats are so desperate to take guns away just like Hitler did?

"I have not yet begun to fight!" This was the immortal retort of Captain John Paul Jones

Aborigine 1 point ago +2 / -1

Virus's tend to decrease in lethality as they pass thru a population.

They are obligate parasites; host dies they die.

Issue is when they jump species, during this first pass through new population.

Take care of yourself. No obesity , Vit C & D , Zinc, healthy diet, plenty rest & exercise

Aborigine 1 point ago +2 / -1

"If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month." Theodore Roosevelt

This battle is never over.
Wisdom is earned one decision at a time.

Second answer: They choose poorly and it will be BIBLICAL. Many missed Noah's boat too.

Aborigine 7 points ago +8 / -1

It's the hijacked children LGBTQ's , that are being attracted back to the origin of their issues by the rainbow.

  • It's how the EVIL gets them to reproduce themselves. Abusing new children.

  • The EVIL ones using them AND the rest of us, all think they
    are and/or want to be our GOD's

  • Girls organization of Free Masonry is called "RAINBOWS" where some of the same psychological (Evil) tools are used to control the girls.

Aborigine 2 points ago +3 / -1

Old or young the primary issue is your bodies over reaction to the infection. In 1918 "The Spanish Flu" epidemic is was mostly young healthy people that died. *So , young or old being short of Vit D, Zinc limits your immune systems ability to fight the infection.
*Being low on Vit. C lowers your first line of defense Cell Mediated Immunity where most people just have mild symptoms. Leaving you needing to over react with the secondary defense.

  • Budesonide has been widely used to limit this over reaction.

*Just like Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin all of these things need to be done BEFORE or at least very early at first symptoms.


Sorry about your friends, I was young and bullet proof once too, I woke up.

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