Account_No_369 4 points ago +4 / -0

'I just don't get it'

Mom, I love you but your neither educated or informed in regards to politics and world affairs. You are just repeating the Television and believing what your expected to by other friends and family whom also believe the TEEVEE.

What really bothers you is that I do not accept the same narrative that you do and this qualifies me as far-right in your view because that is what they told you Qanons is, but they lie. And you believe their lies over your own son. I believe our leaders are criminals who do not have our best interests at heart because that is what the evidence indicated. Im sorry that you accept authority as the truth rather then truth as authority and shall pray for your Soul Mom as you are what we call a Complicity Theorist. Much like the Germans who supported NAZIS.

Complicity Theorist

(noun) - a person who accepts the political narrative of the day unquestionably; consumes mainstream media like it was 1980; and is prone to submissiveness, outbursts of irrational fear, and public shaming of free-thinkers.

Account_No_369 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never asked inside lodge.

That was of course not allowed.

Usually one on one conversation with trusted older brothers.

Some whom were 33rd degree. They genuinely did not appear interested in politics.

One told me once. If you roll in mud with the swines your gonna get dirty.

That was the most I got.

That and I had access to an interesting library. All of which can be found publicly online.

Account_No_369 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly.. Growing up I knew many and they lived, died, without scandal or shameful anything. Good people.

America was founded by Freemasons.

I believe the bad guys use the good nature of the organization the same way they co-opt social justice movements.

Anyhow im back to being alone and trying to build my relationship with Christ.

Account_No_369 4 points ago +5 / -1

I joined the Freemasons 10 years ago. I joined to find out what the hell was going on. I lived in a very very small town. They were nice guys. Kind. Respectable. Decent people.

However when I asked questions about our role in politics and statecraft I could get no answers. If they had answers it was only at the highest levels and they would not talk.

Last year I demitted and said a prayer. I did not know I was involving myself with Satan but I can say that Freemasons acknowledge the light and the dark and that individual masons and lodges can be maligned good or evil.

There are 5 million masons and most have no idea.

Of course I was in Canada at the time so it could be different.

Account_No_369 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know. Like sure he needs to be vetted but I agree with what he said. Of course if I was a White Nationalist, nothing he says or does would matter to me. Good thing I am a higher life form. Good and Evil gives no shits about race.

Account_No_369 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or any educated person with an IQ over 130 whose had a cup of coffee.

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