Which mic is the issue, gray or black?
No, the gray mic behind his right elbow, or the black mic below and a little to his left? Which one is the problem?
Is it the gray one or the black one?
This Biden video looks normal. Two boom mics, one is gray and behind to his right, second one is black in front of him. What am I missing?
God can see all, cause its flat, right? Haha. I hope my sarcasm is coming off right.
The only benefit to engaging flerfers is to try to understand lost people. I heard a former Christian use similar phrasing and logic that the FE group does: “Once youve seen what Ive seen, you cant go back.” “Theres just too many questions.” BUT there are other forums for that. I encourage everyone to find them and learn about the mentally lost.
It is VERY precedented.
Sounds like a professional instigator. Like theyre trying to piss you off enough to become violent, and then blame you for violence.
These are still updating so latest numbers show 63 and 35 for the first two months of this year so these numbers will climb some.
Do you know if this is forever or a one-time thing?
I predict property values plummet. If youre white, you might as well sell now and get something instead of nothing. If youre not white might as well sell and get handed free land.
So how thin would the steel have to be to be weakened by jet fuel?
Im sure you have TONS of jet fuel fire in skyscraper experience. How hot can jet fuel get?
And thats pure aluminum. Plenty of alloys have lower melting points.
Ya know some parts of those planes never burned at all. Some went straight through the building and out the other side. And it would be plausible that especially one of the terrorist “pilots” items would have been an item to go through the building.
Unless youve done the math and can show us, your guess is as good as anyone elses.
Im not saying its all as reported. Im commenting on the meme alone.
This meme is stupid and works against your credibility. Does steel have to melt to get weak? At what temperature does steel degrade below spec?
I dont think any Christians are saying “Kill them all”. I know if windsor were shooting rockets into Detroit, id require the US gov to take care of that. Not that everyone has to die, but they can no longer operate under a separate government. The Hamas of windsor would be toast.
Israels gotta so their thing but we dont have to help. Same with Russia. Let those two countries do what needs to be done and lets stay out of it.
I wouldnt say ungovernable. They are told the armies of the world guard Antarctica and so they will never find out whats behind that great ice wall. Thats like a parent saying theres a monster under the bed so their kid doesnt get out of bed at night.
Gravity is just a tendency all mass has to be attracted to mass. Dont think of water as being level, think of it as being equidistant from the center of mass of the earth. The scale of earth is so big, its like making a circle in AutoCAD and zooming in on the outside of the circle that it appears to be a straight line.
I did t say genocide. But there should be no other government there.
They need to do this though. The whole gaza strip thing didnt work. Hamas kept building tunnels and shooting rockets. If Windsor were doing this to Detroit, the government would owe it to the citizens of Detroit to keep them safe. It sucks and I dont think US should support it, but I dont think the US should stand in their way either.
It seems you dont have any problems with researching. You provided a lot of good stuff! I always feel awkward suggesting treatment options but you may also want to research fasting. Specifically triggering autophagy through fasting. I will also pray for you and him.
But in the first clip you can see that the gray mic is way behind him, and in the second clip you can see that the black one is between his hands. You can see everything from two different angles and they all check out.