Agni 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have seen blacks gravitating but gays, no. The democratic party in California is the gay party. It panders to their priorities at the expense of traditional families at every turn. Gays have no reason leaving the party they have virtually taken over.

Agni 5 points ago +5 / -0

Time is speeding up exponentially and as Terrence McKenna once stated, so is increased novelty. We are moving faster and faster to the zero point.

Agni 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great list to bookmark

And nice to see they are non-partisan.

Agni 1 point ago +1 / -0

NPS stands out as an exception from the others. They manage our land far better than local agencies where I am at.

Agni 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the week where spiritual energies are at their highest during the year. In the east is is recognized at the Festival of the Buddha or Wesak which culminates in the full moon tomorrow. If you have been getting more sensitive to energies then it can effect the physical body.

Agni 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, Jesus showed the steps that every disciple needs to take. Those steps are the ladder.

Agni 1 point ago +1 / -0

Jacob's ladder, being in the Bible, is one of the most recognized symbols depicting that people are at different levels of the stairway to heaven.

The Qaballah is rooted in the Sephiroth, or the tree of life. It depicts different levels of expression that a person achieves as they evolve. The tarot cards describe the relationships between these centers. It is knowledge that you do not have to be a Kabbalist to benefit from.

The challenge is not with the different paths that explain how the self works, it is what the individual does with the knowledge. Power is neutral; it is like a knife that can be used for good or evil purposes. Negating knowledge of how the self works by discouraging people from obtaining the knowledge these schools provide is giving power to darkness. It is up to each pilgrim to decide, once provided the knowledge, how to wield it. Unfortunately many who lust for power misuse that power for their own selfish purposes. Which is why in the past the mystery schools were secret.

Agni 2 points ago +3 / -1

What is described in the Ancient Teachings is that there are two groups that have pull over humanity.

There is the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Forces of Materialism. Both have agents / disciples in the world.

The Forces of Materialism are beings that evolved to a high degree while renouncing the soul, the center of Love. They seek to keep humanity bound to the lower planes by having them slaves to a materialistic culture. They recruit people who have gained a certain level of evolutionary status (HRC, Hitler, Bush Jr.) but who have not gone through the renunciation that Jesus depicted in the Transfiguration on the Mount. Their agents are either possessed by or mediums for this group. They use external control mechanisms to dominate. They do this through getting people to live in their emotional state, particularly fear.

The Spiritual Hierarchy's purpose is to assist people every way possible at every stage they may be at on Jacob's Ladder to evolve towards being / expressing their soul. Instead of controlling people from outside, that group seeks for people to go within their heart to find the truth. While the Forces of Materialism can lie, cheat and steal; the Hierarchy is bound by Cosmic Law. Above all is the Law of Love followed by the Law of Free Will and the Law of Karma. The goal of the hierarchy is to have humanity become mentally polarized, or living in a fusion of the heart and head center. Walking on water is symbolically the act of living above the watery sphere (emotional plane) and having it having no control over you or your actions. This process gradually brings the disciple free from the control of the Forces of Materialism who can only influence people from the lower mental fields and particularly the emotional plane. This evolutionary process allows those liberated spirits to express their divine gifts (Lincoln, Leonardo Da Vinci, Mozart, Rembrandt, Joan of Arc) in radiant splendor.

Both groups are working intensely at this time. This is the moment on our planet where we must choose whether to be bound by the lower worlds or accept the full meaning of what is Divine Love and live to express it. That is what makes this a time like no other.

Agni 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember the third Fatima - essentially if you do not reform the church, you will be destroyed.

They had plenty of time.

Agni 3 points ago +3 / -0

Red-pilling is like an onion. Take one layer off and there is always another layer underneath. There are far bigger red-pills to come.

by BQnita
Agni 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is the most consequential time in world history. What we are moving towards now only happens once in the history of a planet. We are very close to the climactic moment between the forces of Light and darkness.

Agni 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Tibetan, who Alice Bailey was the 'secretary', was talking about the head of the Order of Melchizedek, also known as the Spiritual Hierarchy or the Masters of the Wisdom. Enoch became the head of that group. The people who graduated into that group included the three wise men who came at the birth of Jesus.

The New World order that Bailey talked about is the inverse of the World Order that the elites of today wish to implement. The foundation of that which the Hierarchy looks to see happen is based on the foundation that human free will above all except love is sacrosanct. Cooperation between people and nations is the future, not imposition of orders from above.

The Tibetan prefaced all his writings with a disclaimer that what was written may be true or may not be true. It was up to the individual to find out themselves whether it was or not.

That philosophy is consistent with the approach that Q took.

Agni 1 point ago +1 / -0

He and the group he is with are already here. Not enough people are ready yet to listen. The Great Awakening movement is most likely a part of the plan for the reappearance. More people need to wake up and have an open mind to the reappearance being far different reality than what they think.

Agni 4 points ago +4 / -0

They financed a hotel right next to Navy Fleet Headquarters in San Diego.

Agni 1 point ago +1 / -0

A great reason to trust is that 'the plan' is likely a part of a far greater Plan. A Plan that enables the liberation of the human spirit. A Plan that enables the expression of freedom from a transcendent height impossible today.

Agni 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shiva wields the forces of destruction. The adept wields these forces constructively to clear out old, outworn forms and create the room for a new approach to life.

This is the end of Pisces and the beginning of Aquarius. Aquarius pours a different type of cosmic energy on the planet and will ultimately create a different approach to living. The energies of Aquarius bring synthesis / understanding of interdependence as well as the ability to anchor great ideals into actual fact. America's gift to the world is high, inspiring idealism which has yet to fully be demonstrated. Trump has been exposing what is hindering those ideals from working and in the process destroying the roadblocks so America's true divine purpose can shine.

Shiva is a specific type of impersonal divine energy associated with the will of God. Energies of this magnitude are wielded through groups. Likely the central group is Trump and the generals who approached him to run.

Agni 7 points ago +7 / -0

There is significant correlation between the ideas brought forth in the Trump movement and the ideas presented by the group called the Spiritual Hierarchy, which is sometimes known by Christians as the Order of Melchizedek. That group works with world leaders particularly at turning points in world history like now. There would be around Trump, particularly among those with long military tenure, who know of this group and who have had direct contact with that group or their emissaries.

Trump's mission as some have pointed out is to embody Shiva. Shiva's job from age to age is to prepare the way for an embodiment of the Christ.

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