Akula69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well let's go have this discussion on twitter, or Facebook, or redd....or wait we can't, we all got banned.

Now we we want to be left in peace, so go the fuck away.

Akula69 8 points ago +8 / -0

What else is the potato able to do? The got to give him something to do to make him look like he's "working".

Akula69 12 points ago +12 / -0

This seems very plausible considering how they are all acting. It seems like the link was severed somewhere for sure. Didn't I hear the Vatican claim insolvency just recently as well?

Interesting times if anything.

Akula69 2 points ago +3 / -1

He’s been passing bills....

I musta missed all the bills he has passed. Could you link me some of those bills he passed?

Akula69 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know how you could know that. This could be someone that actually believed what they wrote. Or it could be someone trying a hail Mary to increase their fake internet points. Or it could be a troll. Or it could be a shill. There really is no way to tell the difference. Why would anyone waste time and effort either way? It's all distraction. that's it.

Akula69 1 point ago +1 / -0

We're...as in we are. As in we? Do you really include we into someone trying to purposefully discredit the puzzle by grabbing pieces out of a different box? No it's obvious they are trying to de-rail our puzzle. No need to spend resources to address this ever. This is why they do it. To waste our time and effort. Obvious is obvious.

Akula69 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm going to use my puzzle analogy once again.

If we are trying to do a very intricate jigsaw puzzle, nobody would laugh at someone for not grabbing the correct piece to make it fit. Nobody would have to publicly admit to anyone not selecting the right piece. Nobody would have to apologise for the 10 year old grabbing random pieces and trying to slam them in where they obviously don't fit. And we don't just quit trying when a few pieces fail to fit correctly.

We don't make these rules when putting together a puzzle, why make these rules when the puzzle is way more complex? It's silly, it's a waste of effort and most of all, it's obvious and needs no addressing. Yes we will make lots of mistakes, yes we will have idiots making stupid shots in the dark all the time, no we shouldn't spend a lot of time fixating on and explaining this ad nauseum. It's low hanging fruit for shills and haters to attack, but they are going to attack it regardless of how much time we spend disavowing them.

Akula69 4 points ago +4 / -0

So we can't factor in stupid people saying stupid things? It's just all or nothing? Stupid person posts a theory that Trump will fly in on angel wings and smite all evil on 1-30-21 and when it doesn't happen that somehow discredits Q and everyone else? That's silly.

Akula69 5 points ago +5 / -0

Old p-3 acoustic operator here, it seems strange to me to be doing training ops in such shallow busy water. Someone else mentioned the surfaced U.S. sub near Miami. Yes we could be doing joint training ops for that sub. We could be doing shallow water testing for a newly commissioned sub. But 3 p-8s on station at once 24/7? Not unless they're hunting a threat IMHO. And if they are, there would be fast attacks (like the one caught on the surface) being absolutely utilized as well. Now the other question is why that fast attack was surfaced? The only logical reason is because they had to be. Maybe a mechanical malfunction forced them to the surface. If there are 3 p-8s, I bet there are at least that many FAs.

Akula69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok you are reaching here. Trump isn't going to be personally registering his domains. Now you think he has a team or contractors to maintain/build his web properties?

If it's a team, then maybe he tells them "don't use GD". However I doubt it. Here is why, that domain was more than likely bought from a domain reseller. It's easier to transfer domains in a person to person via the register it already is registered at. You can easily move it to a different register once in possession. So they would have multiple accounts at many different registers anyways for this purpose.

If a contractor, then same applies, but I seriously doubt DJT is that petty. In fact, I doubt he gives a flying fuck who registers his domain.

And honestly, GD does do domain registration and management well. The rest of their services are dog shit however.

Akula69 1 point ago +3 / -2

I think that's questionable in itself. Did he just not have any other beanie to wear to the inauguration? Was he paid to market some obscure (likely fake) reality company? Is a beanie even fitting attire?

Akula69 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am going to respond again to you here. You are confusing web hosting with icann registry. This is just showing the name registry is with GD.

Not saying this isn't the truth that this is a LARP, but all TLDs have to be registered through a name register.

Akula69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ok then explain what your point here is. You are showing the icann registration information here. You can't register a domain name without first going through a register like GD. There are ways to hide the info, but not really any good reasons.

Akula69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sorry to rain on your parade

You're not raining on any parade but pissing in the wind and showing us all you never bothered to read this link you are here commenting on.

Akula69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Are you actually trying to push the narrative that they pulled her away from a presidential inauguration to talk to her about her stolen laptop? Are you for real? Come on man.

Akula69 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you are putting together a complicated jigsaw puzzle, does everyone grab the piece that fits 100% of the time? 90%? How about 50%? Of course not. Does that mean the puzzle is a griff of faith and a new religion? Of course not.

Akula69 13 points ago +14 / -1

It's almost as if he is trying to get everyone to hate his guts.

Akula69 1 point ago +1 / -0

His business model is scaring his audience, not ending the DS. He could be paid opposition, but I really don't think so. He's like CNN, if all the enemy's go away, he's just a loud buffoon whipping up nonsense. This is why he is never going to embrace something like Q. He is not solutions orientated.

Akula69 22 points ago +22 / -0

No links at all huh?

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