Laziness. No doubt. Cannabis comes straight from the earth, from God. Cures tons of things. I’d not be here were it not for cannabis. The si eYe YaY’s been screamin about how bad it is since the fifties. Car tell money’s See aYe aye’s money. Somebody said somethin about the ones that scream loudest🤨 n our language’s hijacked n boobie trapped tew. To. Two. Too. Tu. 🙄
A poet😝.. Isn’t it funny that, not funny haha, but funny ironic that Kamala’s first “employer” was Willie Brown n he is a brown willie n has a brown willie… n willie? Y yes he will.👍 Kamal’s proof of that😏 I mean, how many damn technicalities they tryna get us on🙄 Crazy daze in the whirled tew. To. Two. Too. Tu. Teaux. 🤭
Trump said in the beginning that his true supporters would support him if he shot someone in the street… he said that we’d know it was for a good reason. The last trump seems to be flippin on its head😝 God doesn’t play to lose👍 In fact, He doesn’t play. Cosmic boom erang enroute😝 Hide your wife, hide your kids! Surely their turning of things upside down won’t fool His elect🥰
It’s truly a great tribulation💔