Anders 5 points ago +5 / -0


I wonder what they are planning next?

Anders 1 point ago +6 / -5

How do we stop the ŋew world order?


They own 190 of 195 of the world's central banks (see Q post 135-138). 99% of the human race is already their usury debt slaves and 100% of fiat money is an I.O.U. to a Jew central banker.

WW2, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Vietnam and most recently Syria and Russia: all of these wars and conflicts were about "regime change" a.k.a murdering legitimate leaders who refused to enslave their countrymen to parasitic Jewish central banker slave masters.

A major part of killing the ŋew world order will be ending our unconstitutional Jewish owned and controlled federal reserve and showing the world we can free ourselves from the richest and most powerful cabal in human history.

The next step will be helping our true allies free themselves, one by one... but this will never happen while our true allies still have ZOG. This will also likely trigger at least one world war because the House of Rothschild won't go down without a fight and their version of fighting involves sending their innocent slaves from ZOG countries into meat grinders.

WW2 was declared hours after unified Germany and Austria ended their Rothschild central banks.


I suspect political control is almost always gained through extortion. We gained a glimpse of this from (((Epstein))) and (((Maxwell's))) MOSSAD orgy island child rape extortion honeypot. Epstein and Maxwell ran five properties (with hidden cameras in every room including the bathrooms and toilets) where they regularly hosted "pizza parties" for powerful Americans.

We still have no idea what percentage of our Congress and Supreme Court Justices became life-long puppets of Israel after attending one of MOSSAD's child rape parties.

I wonder how many more of these "pizza party" properties that Israel have peppered all over the world.

The best way to remove Israel's control over other countries is to expose all MOSSAD's sex videos.


The ŋew world order dominate control over the world's mainstream news media, internet and social media.

I'm unsure how we can take them down without charging them all with sedition for their major role in the Covid holocaust hoax and the very real Covid vaccine genocide of the human race.

Anders 0 points ago +2 / -2

Rumors are the police are planning a communications blackout of phones and internet while they plan to forcibly drag truckers out of their trucks and transport them by bus to detention and this will happen by Friday.

Ottawa police are already stealing Jerry cans and food from protesters and truckers, however I've seen video of a hundred people carrying Jerry cans around Ottawa. I'm unsure if their intention is just to fuck with the police or to refuel the trucks.

Canadian military publicly told Trudeau to go fuck himself and they will not lay a finger on protesters. I've heard the military are not very happy about how the police are acting.

I have no idea how this will end.

Anders 1 point ago +1 / -0

It sounds like Trudeau is also using taxpayer money to rent every available hotel room in Ottawa, just to fuck with supporters and prevent truckers from having a shower.

Anders 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. Someone else mentioned in another comment that the GoFundMe refunds have started being received.

Anders 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. GoFundMe have always been cancerous. They fucked around and found out and now GiveSendGo has become the standard for patriotic fundraising.

Anders 1 point ago +1 / -0

I feel a great sense of relief for the organizers and the truckers because what GoFundMe did would have been devastating, but most of that money has been raised again. The truckers and the organizers know we love them and have their back.

Also, GiveSendGo is a profoundly Christian and patriotic fundraising platform and I suspect the roller-coaster of events has turned out for the best.

What a lovely FUCK YOU to GoFundMe and Trudeau and his ZOG.

Anders 10 points ago +10 / -0


The <enemy> cries out in pain as he strikes you.

Anders 2 points ago +2 / -0

The House of Rothschild was the founder of the Bilderberg Group.

Anders 2 points ago +2 / -0

Operation Paperclip happened AFTER WW2 ended.

WW2 was declared six hours after Germany and Austria united to end their Rothschild owned central banks.

All wars are (((banker))) wars (see Q post #135 - #138 to learn who those bankers are, not including the World Bank, IMF and World Economic Forum which are also owned and controlled by Jews).

You need to spend much more time researching before you are ready to form a rebuttal that isn't ridiculous.

I'm forced to down-vote your Wikipedia / CNN quality argument.

Try harder / research more.

Anders 1 point ago +2 / -1

It saddens me that almost every Jew denies Jesus Christ.

I pray for them and their anti-Christ religion, although it is difficult when so many of them are injecting our children with Satanic death.

Anders 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yes and no because the book of Joshua is Hebrew text.

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, not the Jews and not Moses.

Anders 2 points ago +3 / -1

You are referring to the amateur claim that Hitler was controlled opposition because he was funded by Jewish bankers.

What you fail to understand is New World Order Jewish bankers have funded both sides of every war since Napoleon because that guarantees them more wealth and power, irrespective of who wins.

Anders 0 points ago +1 / -1

I love how all of our money is an I.O.U. to a Jew (see Q post #135 - #138).

Anders 1 point ago +2 / -1

Was Prescott Bush a good guy?

The Bush family's real name is (((Scherff))).

Yes, I suspect I know these things better than you do.

by IAmOne
Anders 11 points ago +12 / -1

During the 2nd day of Black History Month!

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.

Anders 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yes Jesus did set the precedent but for a specific thing in a specific way. That doesn't mean we get to use it to justify cowardliness or pacifism.

It pleases me that we both agree.

Anders 2 points ago +3 / -1

I'm glad we both agree that Jesus Christ set a precedent that some lines can not be crossed and anger and violence can be righteous.

I agree that we can only make rational and informed judgements about how Jesus Christ the Lamb and Jesus Christ the Lion would react to things like Israel becoming one of the world's child sex trafficking hubs and the Jewish bathhouses of Boston being described as "child rape assembly lines".

Anders 5 points ago +6 / -1

Fun-Fact: The translation and historic biblical context of "neighbor" means "fellow Christian".

I don't believe that Matthew 5:43-44 is an excuse to tolerate pedophilia as a middle eastern cultural norm or the Jewish or Islamic acts of mutilating God's perfect newborn babies and children or the intolerable horrors in the Orthodox Jewish Talmud or the Jewish banker sin of usury and their trade in human debt slaves.

Many cowardly Christians willfully misinterpret this scripture and willfully pretend that Jesus Christ is an absolute pacifist. He is NOT.

Even as the Lamb, Jesus Christ flew into a rage and used anger and physical violence against the greedy Jews during the Cleansing of the Temple.

Jesus Christ will return as the Lion.

Don't use heresy as a blanket to cower under.

Anders 0 points ago +4 / -4

Oy vey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anders 1 point ago +2 / -1

Trudeau and a fringe minority of terrorists

A.k.a Canada's ZOG.

Anders 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not that Hong Kong don't use the Covid vaccine brands that we use.

Almost every white country, including the U.S. uses these manufacturers...

...and all of those vaccines are likely to be 100% deadly after even one jab.

Anders 7 points ago +7 / -0

If the military are going to act, they need to defend the trucker's right to protest while the entire world is watching.

If the military wait for a week or two, every truck will be removed and every organizer and trucker will be incarcerated.

I suspect we'll know how this plays out before the end of the week.

Anders 5 points ago +6 / -1

I don't believe anything the Israelis are saying.

Remember back in early 2020 when Israel announced it was two weeks away from releasing the first Covid-19 vaccine? A press conference was held and one of the Israeli scientists was asked a flattering question about how they were able to develop a vaccine so quickly, months ahead of anyone else? The Israeli scientist answered, "Because we've been working on this since 2018".

BAM! Every mention of Israel's miracle vaccine was purged from the internet and it was never mentioned again.

A few months later, Israel announced they were the most Pfizer vaccinated people on Earth and everyone should use their medical data to justify injections of vaxx-AIDS.

Israel started translating their medical data into a dozen languages and delivering it to every country. Before long, most of the human race was justifying the deadly jabs based only on Israeli claims.

Israel has DESPERATELY been trying to lead the entire human race around by the nose since early 2020 and they have succeeded.

Israel is forced to publish horrific data like this to ensure they retain control of the narrative.

I wouldn't be surprised if this data is based purely on Israel's research from 2018 and 2019 and the entire Israeli population has been vaccinated only with saline.

I don't trust the most exiled people in human history who've made a religion and a culture from denying Jesus Christ.

Before this is over, Israel will claim that six million Jews were holocausted because of Covid related reasons and they are the one true victims. Then they will ask for money.

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