I work in Healthcare and right at the same age. I feel the same about my industry. It has to be brought down for the corruption of covid19 and all of the other crap they pull. Pushing freaking vaccines on anyone who will submit. Makes me ill. I'll be okay financially.
He's supposed to sign an EO tonight ending all benefits for illegals. It shouldn't be happening anyway but we know there are states that allow this and probably make it difficult for the feds to find.
Those who talk about sending their refund to pay off the debt are living in a fantasy world. This is the same govt who got your country into 36T in debt and you think that sending your pittance of dividend will pay off the debt?? or even help??All I can say is ๐.
I don't think we owe the debt. The American people don't owe the DEBT, they owe the debt, not We The People. I don't want to pay anything off first, we fn pay so many taxes, if they don't have enough, too bad. No more money!!! Return it all to the people, period.
It seems most of the people in high places in DC are either homo or trans, ridiculous. They are owned by the deep state based on their sexual orientation or their chosen mental illness.