No one seems to be talking about it, but I'm sure this has little to do with wanting to add another state or to protect Greenland, and is almost certainly about "natural resources."
I think you may benefit from re-reading the post.
Sadly, there are a significant amount of people (always anti-Trump from what I've seen) who, against all logic, are convinced that it was all staged by Trump to help him in the polls.
This is great.
Ah, wasn't aware that it was contested. Will have to look into that again.
Do we know if he has called since then? Not really his MO to not reach out in a scenario like that, so I was surprised to see her say that she hadn't heard from him yet.
I'm inclined to believe #1.
Additionally, anyone willing to kill an innocent person for a political stunt, or any "greater good" cause, regardless of what that cause is, is no ally of mine.
The fingerprint seems far more problematic than name, dob and ssn, in my opinion.
What is a BCC? I am intimately familiar with the immigration process (or was, at least), and have never heard of a Border Crossing Card -- is this new?
Also, I like how, specifically, a Mexican passport number is offered as an alternative. Not just any passport number. One from Mexico.
I don't believe the event is without conspiracy, of course. There were too many provably wrong reports coming out of the media to count, including NYT initially reporting two shooters, and that the second was taken into custody.
But I just don't see any evidence that Trump would have been in on it, other than the outcome has benefitted him. It does seem rather apparent that the SS were in on it, however.
Appreciate the response.
I think #3 doesn't make sense for a staged event to which Trump is party, because what exactly would he need "cover" from? He was either hired by, framed by, or coaxed into it by Trump's people (under this belief). Registering republican would only give fuel to the left, which doesn't really aid Trump at all.
#6 Also doesn't really add up from a "Trump planned it himself" belief, because based on the public statements of the Biden admin (which was much before the interview), their position would clearly not be to refuse to offer condolences to the victim's family. This again, does not favor Trump.
I'm with you on most, but on #6, he was seen golfing at 9am the following day, which to my knowledge, was before the widow was interviewed. Perhaps she was just interviewed before he had a chance, and has since called? Anyone have any updated info on this?
I wouldn't. But a person who believes it was staged, might be. People tend to get banned here for debating MAGA or Q, even respectfully.
From the General Rules: / Q Supporters ONLY. (Sorry, this train still has no brakes.)
And to be clear, I'm not criticizing the rule, even if I may disagree with it. The only rules I would ever criticize are those that aren't transparent.
That's a fair point, but even if it's a small percentage, it is unfortunate to see so little discrimination being used. I've seen a couple now that were examples of such folks, but the trend seems to be leaning towards no line between making a distasteful joke and actually supporting a violent act.
As I've stated, it should always be called out, but unless they are public employees, going after their jobs before they have chance to apologize for a comment like "oh, so close :p" is not the way to move forward the awakening.
The left would do it to you in a hearbeat.
I fully agree. Which is why a better example should be set when the goal is to AWAKEN the sleeping masses to something better than the status quo.
Turnabout is fair play
It is also a losing play. This only serves to hasten and widen the pendulum swing, rather than work to bring balance and unity to a divided nation.
People inherently recognize goodness, each to their own degree of development. For the majority (i.e., unthinking people), they will not see a difference between the Left's cancel culture, and the Right's -- even if it's true that supporting J6 and supporting an assassination attempt are in NO WAY equivalent.
We need to be thinking outside of the box and not quickly using the cudgel as soon as its our turn to wield it.
Considering how much she's done for parents fighting against public school indoctrination, to call her controlled opposition seems far-fetched.
Also, it's clear from the comments here that MANY are in agreement with her tactics (who certainly can't all be called controlled op), so far more probable that she just shares the same mentality and has allowed emotions to blind her.
By the way, there are many ethnic Jews (whatever that means) in the MAGA movement including those that are not willingly blind to Israel's corruption. And usually the ethnic flip-flopping is due to how they are attacked -- often by the Left who are wildly inconsistent with their racial clubbing.
That's true for some, but not all. I know many who would be in quite serious trouble if they lost their job unexpectedly.
Imagine, firstly, the mental health of the person who revels in the idea of a Trump assassination. Combine that with being a line cook or some other entry-level job (which from my experience, is the only guard many have before falling into a life of drugs and homelessness).
I'm all for getting any PUBLIC employees immediately fired, and perhaps even high-level employees / those who obviously know better. But Joe Smith who works at the gas station who never had the intellectual capacity to question the narratives he's been bombarded with his whole life?
Those who show no mercy will be offered none -- and not one of us are without a need for mercy.
It's unfortunate to see how few are capable of seeing the bigger picture here.
Turnabout is a losing strategy. This kind of force only serves to add greater momentum when the pendulum swings the other way.
Evil must be called out and unequivocally disavowed, but getting a line cook fired for making a distasteful, or even hateful joke, is certainly not the way, and will, ultimately, only serve to destroy what we are trying to build.
Vance seems to be where the Media is leaning in their prediction (after eliminating their other picks who have been officially ruled out). Which makes sense.
I've heard buzz about Byron Donalds, but based on his voting record, I certainly hope that's not the pick. Vivek, I think, would also be a huge mistake.
If he picks anyone that may be willing to play ball with the establishment, the assassination attempts won't stop.
If the shooter did in fact use an AR-15 style rifle, the left has no more case against gun violence. They cannot be the ones to commit the most heinous of acts with the very weapon they decry, then claim that weapon should not be available to the public.
I think you may misunderstand exactly how the Left engages in these tactics. They are the window suppliers with the city contract hiring thugs to go around and break windows in public buildings.
The shooters have always been Leftists. Nothing has changed.
I've seen the video many times since it happened, and have never been convinced this is the case.
- No one with a brain cell argues with this point, which is why most consider it murder and not a justified shooting.
- I don't know exactly what you mean by "just before shooting" but he appears to be aiming at the nearest "threat" at the barricade, shifting his target to Babbit because she appears close to getting over it.
- They come in shortly after up the stairs, so it's perfectly reasonable that this "officer" wouldn't have known they were there.
- It seems to me that once the other officers are present, tending to Babbit (and the barricade is visibly clear), no one would have any reason to think the "officer" would shoot at anyone.
Furthermore, almost every example of an actual crisis actor is able to be linked to someone who, you know, acts for a living. That, or they're seen again, crisis acting in something else. We saw this again and again in the Sandyhook interviews, covid deaths, and many others.
Well it's definitely not the guy in the photos on left, whether it's Crooks or Yearick.
The photos on the left are from a twitter account who posted them as a joke, and the photo on the very left is a screenshot of a video made and posted well AFTER the shooter died, which ended in him saying "you have the wrong guy."
However, the fact that Yearick was scrubbed from the internet hours after the shooting (including google, hours earlier returning all kinds of results, then returning no results by 9pm), as well as the video from which the screenshot on the left was taken being deleted everywhere it was posted, makes me inclined to believe that even the confirmed name is wrong, and could easily be Yearick.
The monkey wrench is the aerial shot of the supposed shooter from an unknown source, that shows him in the same T-shirt. That photo is DEFINITELY NOT Yearick, and looks much more like Crooks.
About 4 different "confirmed shooters" were cycled through on social media yesterday, so my assumption is that none of the information is accurate, and it's all one giant obfuscation campaign to focus on unimportant things.
Mine will ever be the open hand of Grace, not the tight fist of the emotional bigot.
Pretty sure their plan is to bait both sides into violent unrest in order to take dictatorial control of government and military.
Wait for the MSM articles in the upcoming weeks on how the Roman Consulate assumed the role of Dictator in times of war to "preserve the Republic" and how it's a great thing.
If the vast majority of everyone on the right strictly adhere to the principles of Peace and order, their plan will fail. Even with all the patriot front false flag attacks in the world, your liberal neighbors will still not even consider raising arms against you if all they see is your living example of kindness and peacefulness.
If the so-called "Christian Right" truly embraces Christ's teachings over the upcoming months, the cabal will fail spectacularly. Order is like a stable atom with the perfect balance of electrical charge; disorder, or instability, can only get reactions from that which is like itself. Disorder has no power over Order.
Be a Light.
Was he also pressured into funding illegal ballot harvesting operations in 2020?
I doubt it.