Meh, i dont see it. (They) know hes not facing any real charges and that they cant link him to anyone else.
Worst case scenario is he get a 2 year vacation at a celebrity prison where martha stewart went. In all likelihood he gets probation and community service like the other guy.
Theres no threat. He doesnt have to say anything. And hes a lawyer so he knows the game.
Hospitals treat covid like the flu. Basic treatment is a vitamin pack, vit b,c,d and zinc.
Only when oxygen levels are dangerously low and a nasal cannula and supplemental oxygen is not enough do we move to the next level.
Hypoxia can start as quickly as 5 minutes of low oxygen saturation. So if youre struggling for air and think youre just going to tough it out you could be causing permanent and irreversible brain damage.
Studies have only linked something like 500 total deaths to rem and something like 67% of those were high on fentanyl. The data just doesnt support your claims or the claims made on this site. The best people could muster up was a study that rem made no difference with certain patients. Thats it.
But people on this site still spout that rem is a murder weapon. I dont know why this site pushes that narrative so hard, but its absolutely insane. Like reptilian shapeshifter insane.
Rem was a miracle worker for us and i never administered a single vaccine. I never had to, but i would have refused if they asked. Every single covid patient we have right now has had atleast one jab.
I have personally watched several older white conservatives refuse rem and pass away due to pneumonia because of what they read online. We use rem to treat pneumonia and dry up the lungs. I believe we could have saved them, we see amazing turn arounds with rem. Its a shame that people with no education or experience spread and push a bs narrative.
Clearly you are living in your own reality. When this site makes the claim that rem is a weapon of murder used by hospitals for profit.
YOU have to prove it. Its not my job to disprove your false claim.
Its not my job to prove rem is beneficial, thats the default stance of any medication. Its your job to prove its harmful. Which you people have been unable to do. So good day.
Exactly lol, and its nice to see some common sense on this page. They've created such an echo chamber its almost like the right wing version of twitter.
When someone refuses rem because of what they read online then dies of pneumonia which rem is 78% effective against. Then yes, misinformation got them killed.
There was no basis for the smear campaign, none whatsoever.
Just a bunch of uneducated internet know nothings parroting ignorance. Everyone wanted it to be a conspiracy theory so bad that they started believing their own lies.
They havent, it was just approved for children 12 and under last month. Not that it will probably ever be used with children but in extreme cases it may be needed.
That would require another jury trial wouldnt it?
Hoping a healthcare worker kills themselves because you cant support your parroted narrative. What a sad, weak minded individual you are.
You CANT prove rem is murdering people. You cant do it. So why do you continue? It must be wilful ignorance at this point.
Claiming hospitals are being paid to murder people with rem is on the same level of crazy as reptilian shapeshifters. Thats the level you are on.
Yep, they roll out their spam brigade and just ruin any possibility of discussion. It was nice hearing of your positive experience, thank you for that.
But im not sure why this site pushing that narrative so hard. Its a bit unsettling.
Im trying to find the study that showed everyone who had kidney or liver issues were on heavy drugs like fentanyl.
Because last time it sent people on a tirade claiming that hospitals are dosing people with fentanyl lol.
13% of patients on vent died while using rem. Thats probably accurate.
We had 7 die in 7 months. All over 65 with copd.
Covid and pneumonia is very dangerous for the elderly, 100% fatal if untreated. So id like to see a comparison to those on vent not given rem and see how they faired.
I was then and now the only one providing studies. I was banned because i said this site bashing rem is getting people killed. Which still holds true.
Rem doesnt kill and the only ones who had negative kidney or liver results were on drugs, like fentanyl. I provided those studies previously. Then you guys went on a rant about how hospitals are dosing patients with fentanyl.
I dont know why i continue on this fringe site. Some people are so far gone there is no coming back for them.
Yeah it showed those who received rem had longer stays. Well no shit sherlock, rem was used a last resort tool. If youre getting rem its because youre in very bad shape.
Most patients with covid were treated with a vitamin pack.
And youre still not proving that rem is murdering people. Back pedal all you want, but you people are still spouting ignorance and unsupported claims.
Not one person can prove rem is killing people. Specially not to the scale that you people claim. You literally think its a death sentence and that hospitals are getting paid to murder with rem/vent, but cant even begin to prove it.
Hospitals getting paid to kill with rem is on the level of shape shifting reptilians kind of crazy. You are that level of nuts.
I gave you three links, But its nice to see that you brought your spam brigade to destroy the discussion.
Lmao, quote from your linked study
"Among these drugs, remdesivir appears to be the currently most promising according to several clinical trials and reports of compassionate use"
You people are on drugs.
Its not used to fight covid. Stop with that comparison.
Its not used to fight covid. Stop with that comparison.
Its not used to fight covid. Stop with that comparison.
This was already denied by the judge two weeks ago. The judge ruled that they can not link this case to hillary, the campaign, or anyone else for that matter.
Its a minor charge that stands by itself.