A million tiny lessons were knowingly implanted into our entertainment, education and social systems to ingrain a very powerful response to a specificly crafted catalyst system. Deliberate, weoponized Cognitive Dissonance.
At some point I expect many people who have been locked away for being insane or committing horrible actions may be recognized as brilliant geniuses that could not reconcile the truth behind the curtain, an acceptance of being unable to change things and the will to mentally survive the contradictions repeatedly pelted at them.
Unfortunately, survival of the fittest, holds no compassion or empathy.
Cheers to those who have looked the Devil in the eye and continue to live rattled and battered but unbroken. ??
Providing an unending flow of consistently contradictory information also breaks the mind down for easy manipulation.
There are four lights...
When the chips finally land it will be interesting what is real and what is fiction.
After a lifetime of manipulation, some people may never be able to see four lights, ever.
Do you offer Prayers for your BIL instead of just "how to get around him" ?
Pray for him to truly see the truth of the world, renew his family bonds and experience an awakening of his own.
"My sister needs to be around us as a family."
Your sister also needs her immediate family whole.