Typical libshit wasting their lives thinking about what they hate instead of building something, becoming successful, and contributing to GDP. You’ll always be a loser, so stick around for our entertainment. I don’t mind.
I want this to be true... however those trees are holly (deep evergreen all year round) and the bottom plants look like evergreen ground cover. I live near Philly — just sayin!
The lack of coat is weird, however. This is a frigid weekend here in the northeast!
Yeah I pretty much bring 2 pairs of shoes to any long event, like a wedding or whatever. Heels can get uncomfortable really fast and changing them out to a heel that hugs your foot differently is essential.
One regret about my wedding day is my insistence on wearing one pair of shoes the whole night (I turned my nose up to the flip-flop trend). By the end of the night I was barefoot anyway, my feet hurt so bad. Really wish I had big, blinged-out comfy flip flops for the reception!
Smells like provolone with a hint of parm...