ArmyLady 1 point ago +1 / -0

American Patriots demand authentic representation.

Dems want slaves and dependents. The LAST thing dems want is independent, self-sufficient PATRIOTS!

ArmyLady 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm with you! The more they look for, they more they find! I have also had several breast biopsies.

They do seem to want to scare people to death by invoking CANCER! Look at this poor guy, only 64, with TWO debilitating lung surgeries!! For some reason, I was not freaked out about their CANCER CANCER CANCER fear porn. I already knew there are alternative cures . . .

Yes, I had surgery for a serious broken leg. That is the type of thing surgery is for. I would have been a cripple in the Middle Ages.

ArmyLady 7 points ago +7 / -0

Guys, this is the diagnostic / treatment pathway the "standard of care" put ME on!

I balked at the biopsy, they required general anesthesia. I know people who have DIED under general anesthesia. PLUS, as in this case, they told me they would "treat" a negative biopsy as still cancer! B/c they could have missed it! Since the biopsy would make NO DIFFERENCE in their treatment recommendations (surgery and / or chemo / radiation) I deferred to monitoring every 3 - 6 months.

After 5 years of it not growing (despite uptake on the PET scans implying a growing cancer) they decided it was probably histoplasmosis . . . IMAGINE if I had undergone their recommendations!!

In the mean time, another nodule showed up in the other lung. I have been undergoing integrative / alternative treatment for two months, and scheduled for another PET scan, to see if it is in remission. So this is an update on my prayer request of a while ago. THERE ARE CURES!

ArmyLady 6 points ago +6 / -0

He should have notified the host of the message thread ASAP if he was so concerned about a security breach, right??

Instead, he "played along" for a big scoop. hmmmm . . .

ArmyLady 3 points ago +3 / -0

The timing of the article just before the hearing is . . . interdasting.

Esp. since the dems were informed / prepared . . .

ArmyLady 4 points ago +4 / -0

Remember when some female dems were playing candy crash or something like that, during a State of the Union address?

Don't remember when, but some Pepe members.

ArmyLady 5 points ago +5 / -0

Isn't there a native diet from Africa that would work for them??

ArmyLady 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Five migrants flown to El Salvador have sued the Trump administration over the deportation effort and are being repped by the American Civil Liberties Union"


ArmyLady 5 points ago +5 / -0

The USA reminds me of the sow at the State Fair, with dozens of suckling piglets. The piglets were weak and devastated by WW II. But the sow is now skin and bones, and generations of piglets have grown into big fat porkers.

ArmyLady 7 points ago +7 / -0

No eggs! but please send your young men and women and infinite money for our defense! ?!?

Our lives and our treasure? and not even eggs in recompense?!?

Keep your eggs and man up for your OWN defense.

ArmyLady 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Chemical contaminants include a broad range of chemical substances that may be present in food and that have the potential to cause harm."

We don't need no stinking chemical substances in our food!

My very wise and sainted father pointed out, that if even mold and vermin won't eat it, it isn't really food. Despite its purported "shelf life".

ArmyLady 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was 0 dark early and COLD!! and the stars were still out!! when I jogged to the company for PT.

ArmyLady 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't know this guy. But speaking as a Mom who helped kid make out of cardboard moving boxes, decorated with spray paint: a recliner for father's day (it was comfy!), Joan of Arc helmet, shield and sword, Madeline school and Eiffel Tower of Paris, etc. - - - I think this is AWESOME and the left can't meme.

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