read the rest of this Soi sipping fucktards "fact checks" i think hes running a 0% hitting average.
Naa not me, i was very close to him to though ;)
was there, was bout 2000 people al up alot more young people then last weekend arch, however there wasnt as may cops as there were last week either.
My week day in year 10 school we studied biology and genes, within reading the first page i knew they would be able to do warefare on targeting certain races, genders, people with blue eyes, green eyes brown eyes, white people brown people black people. from that day i never saw the world for the same
Yep, this is a huge wakeup to many Australians who were there today and saw these massive crowds.... Channel 10, 9 & 7 all showing narrative driven content of crowds at the very start or at the very end. why have they not released any footage from the 3 helicopters hovering over Exhibition street? easily 20,000 today in melb.
this never happened in vic. people towards the end were arrested bought in front of a medical CO, and then asked for medical exceptions and issued fines but that was about 10 cases
theres video of a bad cop on a power trip trys to shirt front someone and then gets set upon cause people saw it!
Big thanks to the bloke who was rounding up people on flinders street in the early stages. beers on me next time! alloud us to group as one and not allow police to break it up to early.
this has been a question on my mind for a few weeks now, i am an australian, i have a mortgage about $350,000 AUD on a house worth $650-700k should i be selling in this market. or hold off?
do i stash the 300k rent for a few months to see if the central banks collapse?
i see 3 fingers at the start, three planes , the number three anything else? so maybe 333
i think the lesson learned from all this is to do your own research and come to a conclusion on your own without the influence of a mockingbird.
they can be used to feed the fish they take with them haha
wouldn't trust NATO with a cap gun let alone a .45, it will be NATO forces combined with china and NWO forces against patriots.
why test on monkey's when we have pedophiles!
they would have just rounded up the people if the government had already found them guilty in some way. more and more people are coming out saying they have already been in the military courts. to which gag orders are placed on them to which penalty to some extent would be death. things are happening in the background which we may or may never know about.
in regards to flat earth? or existing tech that will take us even further then mars? or mars doesnt actually exsist? trying to keep it in the realms of possibility. and not far out fantasy land even Flynn has called out some of this bullshit recently.
i was thinking they would make great fertilizer
people tied to Weinstein or something along the lines of Hollywood would have had managers, who would have been like i fucked up on something and now your going to jail scenario ,tax fraud money laundering to which they extort them even further down the rabbit hole.
journalism 101 - no balls
$100 dollarydoos Mate!
the problem we have in Australia is that males will sell out their beliefs for some democrat pussy, and say anything a female wants to hear to get into bed with her.
ive always liked Palin, after being dis-invited to McCains funeral i liked her even more.
LOL its a game of find a picture of her pregnant or with a dick and which comes quicker.
i had a conversation with my russian friend today aswell and she is mostly calm about everything, other then having to use a VPN to use instagram and facebook. she is happy the way things are progressing :)