Azshadow6 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t know about that

I’ve bought Pepe and PepeTrump coins they both have been great . Coincidence ?


Azshadow6 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was for the previous year pre merger. They have zero debt now

Azshadow6 2 points ago +2 / -0

The company has zero debt. Many companies have losses in the first years. TMTG spent money fighting battles to make the merger happen for two years. With the recent 10K filing they have zero debt and $200 cash to build

Azshadow6 2 points ago +2 / -0

What? Trump isn’t negotiating to waive the 6 month lockup at all

Azshadow6 3 points ago +3 / -0

Edwinbarnesc-commentary @edwinbarnesc · Mar 28 This post is dedicated to all the silent diamond hands out there. And to the new frenz made along the way. I appreciate you. Lately, I've been catching up on the new and second season of Jujutsu Kaisen. The anime that GameStop recently tweeted about. Did you catch the drop? Image

I finished the entire season 2 over the weekend because it was really good, and because of its relevancy to the stock market, $GME, $BBBYQ, and $DJT formerly $DWAC. Yes, this anime is related to the stock market (find out below). Jujutsu Kaisen is an anime about 2 opposing forces who are sorcerers, each battling to take over the world and using something called cursed energy. Cursed energy is a power source aligned with negative emotions produced by humans and used by sorcerers and cursed spirits to fuel their jujutsu (attack moves). Cursed energy can enable a sorcerer to unleash devastating attacks, but it can also be used to summon other worldly powers and sometimes demonic beings (iykyk). One of these forces, the bad guys, wants to optimize humanity for the next stage but that means enslaving everyone else under a New World Order. Similar to the globalist WEF agenda. There's even a line from one of the characters that says, "All cogs in a machine." Like a reference to the Matrix movie, where humans are utilized as resources or in the context of this anime, providing cursed energy to sorcerers. Essentially, cattle for slaughter. And then there is the opposing force, the good guys, that wants to help humanity reach the next level of evolution. And that means getting rid of cursed energy from the world because they are pro-humanity. It's almost as if you could learn about all of the events that have happened in real life through this anime. I am not even kidding (keep reading). The main character in season 2 is named Gojo Satoru and he is considered the strongest person on earth. What's interesting about Gojo is that he possesses a rare ability that is only seen once every 400 years. Gojo is to inherit the powers of Limitless which brings Infinity to reality by combining Red & Blue to create Hollow Purple, and 6 Eyes, basically Awakening. I took this as Red for $GME and blue for $BBBY to create Purple or literally DRS, the purple circle from Computershare. 🦋Here's the scene from Episode 4 where Gojo, newly awakened, uses his powers against his opponent: Embedded video 2:03 From Episode 4 of Jujutsu Kaisen

I know this may all sound far-fetched, but there is another scene talking about the stock market or more specifically, the Forex market and one of the main characters says to dump everything that is Yen because they know the end is coming for Japan. Here is the scene from Episode 46, titled Metamorphosis (lots of butterfly references): "You should sell off any stocks in Japan and all your real estate in Tokyo." Image From Episode 46 at 2:25 Timestamp - https://www.crunchyroll.com/watch/GWDU8EWGG

The scene continues: "I doubt any of the major developed nations will be spared from these negative events." In the screenshot above, from Jujutsu Kaisen, it shows the Japanese stock market's NIKKEI 225 (similar to Nasdaq or S&P500) which crashed to 26,000 points 📉 Why would an anime show the Japanese stock market? And why would it zoom-up on technical charts? 🤔 (paging @UCopy417) Meanwhile, in real-life, the NIKKEI 225 is currently breaking all-time highs and currently at 40,292 as of 3/27/24. A drop from 40k to 26k is a 56% decline, if it happens. Image These beautiful heights bring violent delights.

@peruvian_bull has been covering the Japanese Yen and its impact on the global financial system due to bond yield inversion. In a nutshell, keep an eye on the Japanese Yen because when it starts rocketing then it means hyperinflation for the Yen, which will prompt the Bank of Japan to start selling US Treasury bills to defend the Yen. That will in turn cause the US Federal Reserve to start printing US dollars to buy back US T-Bills to defend the US dollar. It's a death spiral with only one outcome: hyperinflation for USA, and the global economy. Furthermore, I find it tit-jacking that GameStop would even tweet about this anime because as you saw from the clip in Episode 4, they show Gojo awakening to his true powers, achieving 6th dimensional capabilities, and bringing Infinity to reality by combining Red $GME and Blue $BBBY to annihilate his opponent (shorts are f**ked). What's more, in Episode 1, Gojo also faces off with a group called Q which he quickly defeats. This makes me think of the Q-an0n group which doesn't exist, even in real life. Image Q is mentioned in Episode 26

There is only Q, and then there are anonymous people. There is no Q-an0n because it is a label created by MSM and is kinda like calling $GME a meme stock which is also a label created by MSM. MSM labels, they serve only one purpose: distortion of truth. MGGA = MAGA. On another note, Gojo is also the name of SoftBank's dog mascot and they even created an advertisement to promote the anime. Image https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2021-12-23/live-action-jujutsu-kaisen-ad-turns-softbank-mascot-dog-into-gojo-sensei/.180928#:~:text=Jujutsu%20Kaisen%200%20film%20opens%20in%20Japan,with%20Jujutsu%20Kaisen%2C%20which%20turns%20the%20company's

For those out of the loop, Softbank has suffered some crazy losses to-date in the tens of billions, so I started looking into them and found that they also invested into ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok. In GMERICA part 4 (see my profile pinned post), I revealed how TikTok will play a major role in the GMERICA web3 ecosystem. Image https://visionfund.com/portfolio

SoftBank's investment into this anime has led me to find a connection into the SPAC deal involving eToro which Betsy Cohen of Cohen & Company initiated (see GMERICA part 7 on my pinned profile post). The same Cohen & Company that received buybuyBABY NOL benefits and is passing communications to Duane Morris, the law firm in contact with Sixth Street, the DIP Lender in $BBBYQ chapter 11. 🎯I wrote about it here, in the Birthday Special DD: https://x.com/edwinbarnesc/status/1758692402016199106?s=20 Also, the same Duane Morris that is connected to Donald Trump $DJT through restructuring Trump Resorts with the help of Carl Icahn $IEP Image https://news.fintech.io/post/102gtdx/robinhood-rival-etoro-to-go-public-via-10-4b-spac-merger

Furthermore, I believe SoftBank is a white hat and is likely an Activist Affiliate too. In GMERICA part 4, I introduced the plan of @elonmusk of turning X into an everything app and now, that includes merging eToro into X for stock trading. Image

Now, does that livestream between eToro and then-CEO Sue Gove of $BBBY starting to make more sense? It is all connected to X, where it marks the spot. Image https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vs97IXdmHT0

Elon Musk tweeted, "It has gone full beyond" when $BBBY filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy on April 23, 2023. Image

The $44 Billion raised to purchase Twitter and take it private, then turn it into @X is all part of the plan. @pulte even admitted on a PP Show livestream that he invested into X through his family office so that makes Pulte an Activist Affiliate too. Lots of teams involved. I'll take a wild guess but I believe the $44B was funded by a large group of Anchor Investors that purchased $BBBY buybuyBABY, and just finalized the merger of the SPAC $DWAC into $DJT which would explain why Donald Trump wanted to sell Truth social to X Image

And yesterday, @marcuslemonis officially announced the partnership between $BYON Overstock and X, which further supports the X everything app and Elon Musk's role in this saga. Image https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20240327304366/en/Beyond-Inc.-Announces-Partnership-with-X

During my research for GMERICA part 7, I came across an SEC filing called FinTech Acquisition (FTAC) Olympus Corp, a SPAC by Betsy Cohen. That SPAC took @Payoneer public, but what I found most interesting is within the filing there is a phrase that I have seen appear in numerous SPAC filings, "go beyond" -- remember this phrase, it is very important. Payoneer enables borderless payments globally and is accepted in 190 countries around the world. Betsy Cohen has a background in banking, FinTech, and is SPAC IPO'ing all these companies together to build the infrastructure that will power GMERICA, Teddy, and all of the companies involved. Image https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1845815/000121390021030504/ea142065-425_newstar.htm

I believe Payoneer will become the technology infrastructure for processing payments globally on X and soon for @XPayments Image

This anime, Jujutsu Kaisen is worth watching if you have been following the Q side of things. There are so many symbols and shocking scenes like seance, blood rituals, bohemian grove, demonic summoning, etc. Almost as if the writers were white hats. Makes sense that @Gamestop would tweet it. MGGA is MAGA. TLDR; Watched an anime by accident and notice MMGA x MAGA connections all over-it Discovered SoftBank as a white hat and likely Activist Affiliate involved in eToro, X, and GMERICA Elon Musk is putting everything together in the all-in-one app @X - prepare to "go beyond" Stay tuned and turn on notifications. I am being censored.

Azshadow6 2 points ago +2 / -0

Captain DWAC mentioned that Trump Jr have switched transfer agents. Call broker and find out which is the one currently used. Still digging into this

Azshadow6 2 points ago +2 / -0

You probably don’t want to hear this but I don’t think MoASS happens like we imagine. GME was the dry run to test what the enemy has in place. WH’s planned this for a long time. To shoot it all in one load they can still freeze trading, turn off buy buttons etc. runs the risk of both $DJT $GME looking like another meme stock pump and dump. MoASS has to happen incrementally, pull them into compounding mistakes. In a way, it’s sort of already happening with GME despite price being down.

Meanwhile sp500 is being stretched further and further. I don’t know how exactly it’ll play out except that we DRS both GME and DJT. Here’s to hoping DJT CUSIP comes to fruition and igniting a chain of events. This has to be done right, no mistakes

Azshadow6 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very nice. I didn’t get $3.5 but my average is $7. Likely won’t exercise til much higher

Azshadow6 4 points ago +4 / -0

Beyond.com Overstock.com

I’m not in it, but seems like it’s not completely dead in the water

Azshadow6 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is no official information. So it’s likely trumps original company $DJT was shorted to the ground. Those never closed, it would now resurface added on top of all the naked shorts that were piled onto DWAC.

This might be the fuse that lights up the baskets. Biblical

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