"fake, phony and false"
I think there is a LOT more going on in Israel than meets the eye.
QAnon and anti-vaxxers red pilled kids stuck at home - now teachers have to re-brainwash them.
there i fixed it
I bet the aussies are reeealy regreting giving up their guns right now.
GTFO and stay out!
the cheaters are soooo fucked loli bet this is just the first of many evidence videos 🍿🍿🍿
the left wont know where to go without gps, at least half of those idiots cant even read a map guaranteed
no? you dont say!
yup, time smash them with a hammer. wheres Hilary when you need her?
"you have more than you know"
i guarantee this has and is still happening now
...seems legit
this is a YUGE step in the right direction 👍💪
this is awesome
yea, but id rather fund living babies than killing them
then protest on the sidewalk
As in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the son of man.
Everyone laughed at Noah as he prepared and saw the signs of coming destruction, he built his ark and then shortly after the whole world was destroyed.
I've come to the conclusion that a ton of people will not make it through what's coming.
Say your peace and pray for them, it's all you can do at this point.
i guess? i mean the elite have clearly been prepping for years in their CIA bunkers. i think we the people are gonna get fucked the worst. i hope this works, but it just doesnt seem like a goid idea to me.
this isnt a win, no judge should be able to force anyone to take any drug PERIOD. i mean wtf do i really even have to say this? cmon.
i still dont understand how this is fighting tyranny? cut off our food supply? it would make sense if they stopped shipping food to DC or something, i dont get it. am i missing something here?
yes! finally! if anyone needs some muscle to remove commies hit me up! 6' 2" trained kickboxer here, will remove commies for free.
Trump 40 years later: fuck it! ill do it!
its happening now, theyre on their 4th covid shot and the death rate is through the roof in israel. just cause we dont see it on the "news" doesnt mean it isnt happening